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We need to talk about Henk | this can't go unnoticed for any longer


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So I've been a staff member for near on 3 months now and in that time I've seen a lot of people don't like henk.
And he is a hardass, But I've had enough, this can't go on.
I've got undeniable proof that henk is unfit as a member of this community and as a member of staff!

First off, He is a prequel fan, He even went as far to say he liked them more than the originals!
But more than that, he's not watched startrek... utterly shameful.


Oh and think it can't get worse?

Well guess who thought 2001: a space odyssey looked too old to watch!
And he claims he's into scifi...

But wait there's more, he didn't like the masterpieces of films, the godfather, nor did he like ALIEN!
With god fucking damn Ellen Ripley!  

So people, I'll let you judge this monster, this 'scifi-loving' impostor your selves.
But I say we burn him at the stake!

And one last tidbit for you tech infused out there, he uses a gtx 1080... at 1080p... what an utter travesty.
A lavish, vulgar use of gpu power...


Star Wars prequels are best.

Space odyssey made no sense and i regret those 2 hours of my life :P

What kind of monster doesn't watch the alien series :o


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