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MMD last won the day on July 1 2023

MMD had the most liked content!

About MMD

  • Birthday 02/15/2001

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MMD's Achievements

  1. Account Name: Macittooo Rank: S+ Requested Commands^: setbiome Reason for Request*: Basically just to change biomes in my relatively big claims so i can keep it nice and clean!
  2. Account Name: Macittooo Rank: S+ Requested Commands^: Worldedit Reason for Request*: Basebuilding/Recreation
  3. I didnt even know we had clubs on the website lmao miss you g long time no see mate
  4. I don't think i've been granted full access to worledit, i can't use the //undo command?
  5. Account Name: Macitoo Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands^: Worldedit Reason for Request*: I had it the last 2 wipes or so, i had it this wipe ( as in literally yesterday ) as well but now suddenly it's gone? I'd love to use minor world editing for building nothing large scale.
  6. I was thinking and this is JUST an idea, what if we expand the community and by that i mean hosting a new game? Such as ECO? I'm not sure if this is even a thing we should or can discuss im sure the staff have already thought of this before and maybe currently are.
  7. Thank you for the new mod
  8. I'm no expert but have you tried doing the unstuck option in the buycraft menu? It's all the way at the bottom just scroll down and click on fixes, don't forget to enter your name correctly! link
  9. There was a mod poll a while ago as in which mod the community wanted and i'm pretty sure i saw some whacky mods like crazycraft or something similar, i also think i saw a newer version of Tekkit which i would've loved but i am unsure of that, also for now you can just wait cause i think the MC Eternal was quite recent. Like 2 months ago?
  10. Good luck ?
  11. I like the office/small spaces also you sir just gave me an idea.
  12. i was interested in checking a mates inventory who lives in my place but scratch that. been dealt with
  13. Account Name: MacitooRank: Sponsor +Requested Commands^: /speedReason for Request*: Generally just so i can up my speed a tiny bit, also a question if i'm allowed to have perms to view offline players inventory?
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