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southrumble80 last won the day on October 10 2020

southrumble80 had the most liked content!

About southrumble80

  • Birthday 02/16/2002

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  • Skype

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  • Location:
    Silent Hill
  • Interests
    improving, games and friends

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  1. Hello. In game name: southrumble80 Proof of Purchase: https://imgur.com/a/s40oqNc Description of Issue: I think it's not an issue but i lost my prefix when i retired including my rank and stuff, i got everything back except for the prefix Date/Time of Purchase: i can't remember exactly, 3 years ago. Items/Rank Bought: Custom Prefix for Network Screenshots (Optional): It used to look like this [S+][PopCorn][GM] Any other important information: I had everything about proofs and that in my old pc but i got a new one and i lost everything, all i have is that screeshot when i first purchased the tag. Without anything else to say... Thank you for reading! ?
  2. Oh nice! you can see my plot in Creative Plots Such a cool video!
  3. esa es la actitud chavoooo

    1. southrumble80


      jaimito rugal bro

  4. que te pasa


    1. Slendy


      como te atreves a tomar bonafon ?

  5. man puedes entrar a quitar un shopkeeper? 


    nadie lo esta usando 



    1. southrumble80


      Only english in forums... why do you post in my profile? you can PM me, also i can't, only GM+ can do it

    2. AbdielNub


      Sorry, I did not know that only English could be, thanks for the attention: 3
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. southrumble80


      Puedes contactarlo por discord o por el mismo foro

    3. GamerPelao191


      dame para contactarlo por discord y por aki donde me contacto

    4. southrumble80


      Puedes mandarle un mensaje privado por el foro, repito, privado, no en su perfil como hiciste conmigo, y en discord puedes contactarlo facilmente desde el server oficial del servidor

  6. Hi, I want to request my miniyoutuber rank. , I met the requirements of the video I hope you answer my nickname: gamerpelao and the link of the review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUK-M9l1Pgo&t=240s.

  7. ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. southrumble80
    3. Slendy
    4. GamerPelao191



      Hola, quiero solicitar mi rango miniyoutuber. , Cumplí con los requisitos del video. Espero que respondas mi sobrenombre: gamerpelao y el enlace de la revisión: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUK-M9l1Pgo&t=240s.
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