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Archmaestro last won the day on October 14 2018

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  1. I told you that you would regret your decision. Better shut down your money laundering operations before Interpol gets to you :)

  2. I'm also interested in any updates for this suggestion. It would certainly be better than loading the server down with unnecessary teleports. I think giving each player their own market "sign" similar to the vote key that can be placed in the base would be a neat idea.
  3. This is a terrible idea. The server turns blocks that cause lag into obsidian. Making additional infrastructure is just asking for abuse and angry players. One fulmination block will store enough energy to make 8884 obsidian with a non-glitched lava fabricator. Limiting the possession to one block is a severe and unusual limitation. Redstone energy conduits are far superior when used on a fulmination generator. I did some experimenting and the cause of the lag was indeed the aluminum wires. As soon as I replaced them, the lag stopped.
  4. I agree with GravityCube. Chest shop would be a great addition and it would encourage more interaction between players, possibly keeping the game fresh for longer. One line in a configuration file doesn't seem like hard work, but I guess some people just haven't ever had a real day's work before
  5. It looks like it only lasted for 7 days. Says it was deleted yesterday some time. Perhaps he thought the 14 was how many days it would last instead of the date it would expire on?
  6. I had no idea this was something out of your control. I want to publicly apologize for giving you a hard time about it: I'm sorry for being mean. This seems to be something that's more aggravating to you than it is to anyone else. It's not your fault.
  7. usually it is for a limited amount of time. I'd get it ASAP if you're interested in it. The server might benefit from using bittorrent to distribute some of the load and save on bandwidth. I'd seed it on my connection for as long as I could.
  8. Is it possible for us to make a mystcraft dimension on this world before reset and be able to have the same dimension regenerate on the new world or should I just wait? Been meaning to make an awesome private mystcraft world
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