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Everything posted by N3co_

  1. It's nice to see you again here
  2. Happy Birthday man 😛 Have a lovely day 

  3. Happy birthday Moe, have a fantastic day :D 

  4. Happy birthday old mate :D 

  5. N3co_


    HI hi you little guy, how are you?
  6. Hi, please wait until a manager verify you had pruchased the rank, or if you have the ticket I will change the prefix now
  7. Hi, please read the whole text of this post. Also, If you do more buildings please put the pictures here.
  8. ?? Second: If you want a factions server, this is a really bad idea as adding gmc to be honest.
  9. Hi, I want to hear from the user what they think about starting another survival server. First of all, I'm not announcing a new gamemode, and this idea wasn't approved by the managers, I only want to know what Network players think to make a good proposal, config a demo server and see if the idea gets implemented. The principal idea is to make a 100% survival server, without mcMmo, or any kind of plugins that can modify the survival gamemode. About the ranks, I'm not sure what to do :C. Please, be respectfull with the opinions of other players. Network Admin, N3co_
  10. Happy birthday little boya

  11. For your topic name, use [Prefix] *In-game Name* In-game Name: Ranks*: Current Prefix: New Prefix: Proof of Ownership (Optional): * If you have a donor rank for only one server please make the specification: Premium [AC] // Rank [Server] . If your rank is global use: Vip - Global // Rank - Global Example. Important things to take into account.
  12. When I got time I will try it with the Network Team. Thanks for the warning. @MiniTermi77 @iCekkaZ take a look please
  13. Hi, if you have proofs enough to do a complaint you must follow the following template. Also, if you don't have proofs you can also DM on discord to talk about the situation N3co_#1595 .
  14. Looks pretty well . Congratz, you guys got a good-looking spawn.
  15. Hi, did you have more buildings? Post it here, if you have any issue or question DM N3co_#1595 or Alex Rebollo#7672. If you don't have nothing more to show, I will close the topic in one week. Have a nice day .
  16. I can't see the name of the player you are complaining about. You have another picture?
  17. I really don't understand what is the idea of flying in a gamemode of parkours. Me as a Sponsor, I don't like to use the fly, also I tell others sponsor to not use it and play without fly. The idea is replace fly with other kind of commands, because all of us we pay for the sponsor (In my case, not for the fly ) and we want to see that inversion as a difference with the premium rank. Find any kind of idea with all the sponsors is the reason of this post, not to said if it's hard or if the server don't have enough plugins developers. It was the same case with the enchant command, that comand gave a lot of problems for the staff and for the economy of the server, that's why it was removed. The fly command is one of the biggest reasons why people stop playing the modality. It's so boring start playing and all the sponsors have diamond armor and giving items to their friends.
  18. I think it's necessary implement more commands for Sponsor, but I don't agree with the idea of the fly command in sponsor rank, that command is completely unfair with all the other ranks. The speedfly is another command I don't understand why managers give it. There's not argument for the need of speedfly for sponsors, also staff doesn't need it. The only use I saw in the normal players (non staff players) is to lag the server .
  19. I think it's a good idea delete the fly command, I have to reasons why that will be a correct idea 1) The idea of the AC server is to make parkours and have fun crossing all the map. Having fly changes the idea of making parkours to farming gold. Sponsors players with fly will have a lot of gold bacause of the fly command, with the gold you can buy better armors and weapons, therefore, those players will unbalance the PVP situations in the moddality. If the fly is deleted, the amount of gold that enter in the economy of the server will decrease a lot (making the market active again, in the case of a wipe in AC) reducing the amount of players with OP weapons. It's not necessary the idea of checkpoints, because the premium/sponsor players have the tpa command, it's not the same but it's enought. 2) The amount of reports about fly pvp abuse and lag because fly abuse will be 0.
  20. Hi. I leave some vote key crates in the Vault of crates, those crates lose the name and now the crates doesn't work. I leaved the vote keys 3 days (Approximately). ps: I search for this same topic but I didn't found something similar. That's the reason why I'm posting this, I don't know if this is a old bug. Have a nice day SreenShots
  21. You're in the wrong section. Moving the topic to thechnical support.
  22. Heyyyyy! Feliz Cumpleaños Capo :)

    1. gerry_lmao


      Muchas gracias Panda!! ?

  23. Items Refunded Topic Closed T/C Proof: https://youtu.be/LCrRrQ869_c
  24. ReivG17
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