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Everything posted by Henk

  1. We do allow the purchase of a dimension save thru buycraft, it's priced at €9.99 https://craftersland.buycraft.net/checkout/packages/add/2839627/single The example above is for the dw1.12 server
  2. Since it's a 1.10 and later server we are forced to run sponge, there aren't as many plugins available for sponge as there is for spigot, and I think that we currently use the best ones that are available, but I am willing to look at alternatives if proposed.
  3. Acv2? This is actually a bug fix, it wasn’t intended that currency was meant to be used for crafting items
  4. We made a great effort in trying to get youtubers back when I first got manager, ranging from small youtubers to larger youtubers. Problem was that not many were willing to play on a open server like Craftersland and indirectly promote it- as they saw it as them selling out. Which, for those that didn't decline the offer and were still interested in doing it would only then do it for a pay- which isn't all too weird if it actually yields something. But the thing is, even when we had a large youtuber making videos on the network - speaking of hiipo here, and specific his last time around - it didn't actually yield anything. I think people heavily overestimate the influence youtuber or streamers have, unless they are really large.
  5. I thought you meant the if the download of the world would keep inventories, enderchests etc. Because that would, but the server will not after the wipe So, no
  6. The world file will include that. ”When” is still an uncertainty, depending on the votes and when bruny has time for wiping it
  7. Please make the title of your post [Buycraft Issue]*name* In game name: Proof of Purchase: Description of Issue: Date/Time of Purchase: Items/Rank Bought: Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information: Proof of purchase includes: PayPal Receipts, Transaction ID, and The Confirmation Email you received Credit to akaElite for providing the template
  8. Example: Credits: @Yusixs
  9. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your refund request topic.For your topic name, use [Refund Request]*YourName* Your Name: Item Name + ID + Amount: Coordinates: Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional): Notice! If you are caught lying in your refund request, any further refund requests made by you will be denied unless you provide screenshotted proof of you having the items.
  10. If you wish for any extra commands for in-game usage, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your Command Request topic.For your topic name, use [Command Request]*YourName* Requirements: No record of any kind of command abuse A donor rank of Sponsor or Sponsor+ A relatively clean ban record Account Name: Rank: Requested Commands^: Reason for Request*: ^ = (Add the node of the commands if you know it so they are easier to add. E.g nucleus.feed.base) * = (Add the reasons for each command you are requesting) Notice! Abuse of permitted commands will result in you having your requested commands revoked with complete denial of granting any future command requests.
  11. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your inventory rollback request topic.For your topic name, use [Inventory Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Coordinates: Time/Date + Timezone (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional):
  12. Example: Credit: @Yusixs
  13. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your island rollback request topic.For your topic name, use [CaveRollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Cave Owner Name: Coordinates: Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional): 
  14. This template is meant for cases where you would need assistance of a staff member to destroy an unbreakable block (Bedrock, warded block etc) In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your rollback request topic.For your topic name, use [Block Deletion]*YourName* Your Name: Cave Owner Name: Coordiantes: Screenshots (Optional):
  15. We recommend ender quarries, sometimes the buildcraft quarry causes this issue- you can ask any staff Mod or above to exchange the item if you so desire. We also recommend not mining in the overworld, but instead deep dark. It had a lot more ores as well. So go there, find an area without a town, create a new town and claim a 3x3 claim chunk town. Change the modify flag to true, but enter to false. Then put the quarry down in the middle chunk and start quarrying Keep in mind that these dimensions get reset once a month (Beginning of the new month, usually rhe first monday or friday) so get your quarry out before then. I know on a few packs we even disabled the quarry for being used in the overworld, idk for 100% if we did that for INF, but that might also be what is happening. Oh and PS: the enderquarry is faster, more resources and less lag. Better in every way.
  16. Pfff, you're only connected to 6 out of 10 servers Back when I became manager this is what I used to do for all servers, it sucked when one would go down and you had to reboot the entire modpack tho to reauth- and then, reauth was added as a mod on 1.12 at the very least. That helped tons.
  17. Added to shop for the suggested price
  18. The "problem" with this, is that it would either become one of two things: Filled with crap, or it would be filled with super OP items from people far into the late game. And to preserve the enjoyment of playing thru the modpack and expericing the progression yourself- we don't really want late game players to be gifting away these kinds of items. And this would promote that kind of behavior. And for those reasons I don't really think we should have something like this at spawn, it doesn't really fit in either
  19. You guys might be surprised to see this topic, given the previous topic we just had discussing the somewhat failure of Drop Zone and how the project was "scrapped"- If you don't know what I'm talking about you can have a read here: Well, due to high demand we decided to dedicate a couple of days of trying to port the old gamemode that we played for testing to the 1.13.2 network. This required major changes in the actual plugin that runs the game mode since before it was only built to be set up once and work until the server restarts. That is obviously not going to cut it when we're meant to have a 24/7 server running. A bit of information what Drop Zone actually is .... Drop Zone is a custom game mode using a gun plugin, and by the help with a quite advanced resourcepack creates a Free for all gamemode inside a desert arena. So far the only objective is to kill your anything that moves and achieve a higher kdr than your opponents - and of course to have fun! Future features for the game mode are planned. I'm interested in joining- How would I join? 1. Get a 1.13.2 Minecraft client. 2. Download our resource pack (Not a requirement, but it makes the game much easier. For this you have two options- These links are direct downloads. http://www.craftersland.net/modpack/texturepack/DropZone-1.0.zip This is the full resourcepack, it has quite a few "high resolution"(for minecraft) models, so if you have worse PC we would advice you for our second resourepack: http://www.craftersland.net/modpack/texturepack/DropZoneLite.rar This is the lite resourcepack, it has weapon models but only enough for you to understand what weapon you are carrying, this may result in better performance. 3. Put this in your Minecraft folder under "Resourcepacks" 4. Start minecraft up and connect to "mc.craftersland.net" 5. Once there open up the server menu with the compass- Choose "Minigames->Test game server "- And you're in! Frequently asked questions: - How do I open the chests? Well, in this version of Drop zone,... you can't. They are just for looks right now, but in future versions they might have a purpose. Right now you get a random weapon each time you spawn, and there's no way of getting any other weapon on that "life". YET. - How many weapon are there? Currently there are six weapons, we have a minigun, a Scar assault rifle, a bolt action sniper, a silenced SMG, a pistol and a pump shotgun. There are plans to add more weapons in the future - OMG X WEAPON IS SO OP- Wait, was this suppose to be a question? Yes, some weapons might be "overpowered" of "underpowered", as I try to tweak the stats of each weapon on a daily basis to keep the game mode as balanced as possible- an impossible task. - What commands can I use? To begin with your main command will be /dz join and this starts the game and puts you at a random spot in the arena with a random weapon. If you want to leave you do /dz leave If you want to check your stats, kills, deaths and KDR then do /dz scoreboard. - How do the weapons work? Each weapon has a different stat for "sway", which means that the bullets coming out of it is somewhat "random". The sway stat is further worsens by sprinting and walking. It is improved by sneaking, which would also put the weapon in iron sight mode, and that makes each shot more accurate. To reload you press left click and to fire you press or hold right click. - How can I tell if I installed the resourcepack correctly? Once you get on the server you will spawn in front of a screen with information about the game mode- if you are seeing this then you installed it correct. If you instead see two instructional signs, then that means your resourcepack is either not active or not installed right. You can reload your resourcepacks by pressing F3+T. - This is a bit inconvenient to download the resourcepack manually... what are you going to do about it? At a future time we will make the resourcepack a server pack, and if you wanted a finished version with a few mods such as optifine, then there will also be an option in the near future to download it thru out custom minecraft launcher!
  20. It's up now- The resource pack is here: http://www.craftersland.net/modpack/texturepack/DropZone Beta.rar - This is a direct download. To connect to the server just go thru network and connect to "henk's test game server" or something like that. get the resourcepack working and run /dz join! Have fun. We sure did. It is a bit broken in probably many ways but it works fine
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