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Everything posted by Henk

  1. A quiet place !
  2. 1st of October. End of month is actually a pretty hectic time for us and I accidentally overlooked these topics, but I noticed this one on monday when I was at work so I decided to do it thru my phone - as I was at work - and I then forgot to respond back to this topic. But had you just logged in then you would've noticed it was there all along Side note, the crate key party you donated for when you got these ranks will not the reactivated, as those are a one time event
  3. Time for the 5th Newsletter everyone! We've had tons of progress this month, with a bunch of behind-the-scenes improvements and stability patches. As of the end of last month we expanded to our 5th Dedicated machine, which allowed us to allocate a bit more resources to the servers we currently host, so you might have noticed they have been running a bit more smoothly :-) There was also a big chunk of updated from the FTB team for our 1.12 servers. There is also a huge project in the works behind the scenes... that should guys should hear more about very very soon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TOP VOTER WINNERS A personal thank you to everyone who took the time to vote this past month, it's been truly impressive! And as always we see who won our little top voter competition. This month's results were very close and even ended with a tie on our Skyfactory 3 server between Iluminouss & The_little_mob, but don't fret guys You both will be receiving the Top voter rank! And congratulations to GalliumYttrium for his second successive win! What's also extra terrific is that The_little_mob became top voter on Skyfactory 3 as well as Infinity evolved! Round of applause for all you guys. You guys will all receive your ingame ranks as soon as I can! The rank will have a 31 day expiry date on it, from the moment you receive the rank. Direwolf20 1.12: MitMatch Direwolf20 1.7: Tim_cookt1 Revelation: GAlliumYttrium Skyfactory 3: Tie! Between Iluminouss & The_little_mob Skyfactory 2.5: pisikopat115 Network: DeathDazDeg_NF Infinity: The_little_mob Tekkit: nubluva Continuum: xRegency =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Fancy screens! Thanks to the help of a returning staff member, @Danielkinz (and secretly thanks to @Jet_Mapex2 for bringing him out of the shadows ? ) He was able to perform a beautiful patch to one of our favorites mods; Extra Utilities 2. Now we are now able to display high resolution screens at our Sponge server(SF3, DW1.12, Rev and Cont) and so far have added all but SF3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FTB Continuum 1.4.1 1.5.2! Continuum finally launched after some hardcore testing by our testing team, special thanks to @Towilloughby , @ShinyPorygon and @Terminator for your excellent testing! As well as @TheDauntlessOne for your extraordinary building abilities and terraforming. We are very happy with the launch of Continuum, it launched very stable and has been running very stable for the last few weeks. Knock on wood. And we've even gone thru a FTB update from 1.4.1 to 1.5.2! This update was huge as it updated the majority of the mods in the modpack, with this it also fixed some major lag issues that were far in the end-game. With the launch of Continuum we also changed our Market plugin to UniversalMarket, this will soon before a staple of our 1.12 modded servers, as it is more user friendly than it's predecessor and more closely resembles GlobalMarket that we use on our 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 modded servers! To add this market plugin a wipe is required, hence why SF3 and Revelation are still on the old market plugin. Changelog for Continuum, between 1.4.1 and 1.5.2 Server IP (Cracked and premium): cont.craftersland.net =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MANAGEMENT TEAM UPDATES We once again have some updates to our management team, unfortunately Yusixs has moved to a retirement status due to reasons I don't wish to enclose, it is his own decision and I think we all ought to respect that He's been apart of staff for almost 2 years now and things that he has put into motion will always be here- like this newsletter. But because of this change to the management team we had to expand, as we are also launching our 8th modded server it was too much for bruny to run maintenance twice a week for. So we decided to bring a few staff members into the management team so that they can help out with rollback issues and more! Internally, and personally, I call them the "Elite team", but there isn't really a name for it... they are managers Allow me to Introduce... @Manyouforgot - Infinity Evolved & Direwolf 1.7 Manager @DragonLady - Tekkit & Direwolf 1.12 Manager @EPICfighters - Continuum Manager @Terminator - SF2 & SF3 Manager @geri33 - Revelation Manager I will still be here as well dealing with everything between heaven and earth, but I will also handle Network due it it's complexity. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= REVELATION UPDATE 2.5.0 Revelation went from being version 2.4.1 to a 2.5.0, and it follows the Continuum update in which it was mainly to update the majority of the mods the modpack has to offer. Bringing more stability to the pack and fixing individual bug issues If there are any bugs on the server, be sure to report them HERE. Changelog: Server IP: rev.craftersland.net =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DIREWOLF20 1.12.2 UPDATE Following the update of FTB Revelation and Continuum came the update of Direwolf20 1.12.2, and just like these update, this was mainly a maintenance update, but apart from the other modpacks this did bring a few exciting additions. A Mod called "FastFurnace" was added and changes how Minecraft handels Furnace recipes, as there are tons of recipes out there that usese the furnace nowadays a new method had to be thought up, and that is what FastFurance does, instead of going thru the registry it instead caches the recipes for easy and quick access! This should help improve performance. Apart from FastFurnace, another mod by the name " The Monk Mod " was added. A small mod by the creator behind Extra Utilities, which grants you extra powers upon reaching goals in the game. To learn more about the mod you should check out the video bruny recommended that covers this mod: HERE But more notably... together with this update we did a full wipe of the server and ran some maintenance, adding the new market plugin I spoke of earlier. If you miss your house you had on the old server you can still download the map for singleplayer use HERE If you see any issue on the server however, please report it HERE Changelog: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GUIDES Exchanging Storage System: Thanks to @ShinyPorygon for putting up a guide how to change between Refined Storage system to Applied Enegistics- This is something we still highly recommend as Refined Storage has had it's fair share of issues, most notably excessive lag and loss of drives due to mod updates. Switching it up is more than recommended! Don't worry, you'll learn how to manage the channels in no time, and actually you might even enjoy it. Personally, channels were my favorite additions to Applied Energistics 2. Read full guide HERE Making plates: And again thank you to @ShinyPorygon for writing a simple introdcution on how to make plates on the revelation server, as the process in doign this may differ between packs it is always helpful to have a place to go when you get stuck on something. Read full guide HERE (Any future guides will be showcased on this section of the newsletter in the future! Be sure to make great builds!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MINETWEAKER, LAUNCHER AND FUTURE UPDATES! Some, or probably most of you guys have no idea what " Minetweaker " is and have never heard of it. For those guys, it is a mod on the server and client side that adds scripts to your modpacks. These scripts allow you to customize crafting recipes, tooltips, search options for NEI. It is very useful and it is what servers like Infinity Evolved Expert mode base their entire ideology on. Now, what are we going to do with Minetweaker? Well, Minetweaker is very useful for us server managers too! As it allows us to change things that might not really work on a large scale like a server, or display useful information ingame that would be more accessible and user friendly. There is only one issue when it comes to MineTweaker, is that for it to run successfully - most of the time - it would have to be downloaded by the client or otherwise the entire mod would have to be reloaded when a new player logs online. (This is a bad idea, and the mod author stricly advices against this "If you value your World... ") So in future updates of the Launcher, we will include these scripts so that you guys don't have to think about it one bit. We have started exploring this on our 1.7.10 server, Infinity Evolved. To get an idea on how the end results would look like, it would be something like this: Tooltips: Searching the NEI after installing the file above, with these Keywords below: Banned Restricted But not only banned items would be viewable thru this, Craftersland actually add a bunch of custom crafting recipes that often to unnoticed due to you not being able to search it up thru NEI, but most of these have a forum post attached to them to explain how the craft is made. This would also be fixed with this sort of update, as the recipes are then viewable thru your NEI! Custom We are looking to bring this to our 1.7.10 servers, as 1.6.4 doesn't have Minetweaker, and our 1.10 and 1.12 servers use a similar mod called CraftTweaker, but is much more unstable and not very user friendly to use. One small mishap and the entire mod goes under... bad idea to mess with PS... The Forum now shows has a direct link to our launcher up at the top row, it's easy to miss ?
  4. Looks like a RAM issue, make sure you are using 64-bit Java by checking under your programs. if it only says ”Java” then it’s 32-bit, if it says ”Java 64-bit” then it’s.. well. 64-bit. Besides that, make sure you are allocating enough ram when it comes to your Minecraft launcher, more than 1gb is required, if you have plenty of ram then go for 4gb plus, but you should never allocate more than ... let’s say 50-60% of your total ram. At that point it’ll only worsen.
  5. reactivated
  6. I needed the original payment because I had to link that to this edit, usually there is a breadcrumbs to follow to find the original payment, but I wasn't able to here, so thanks for providing that. Sorry for the wait, the prefix should be updated on your next login.
  7. Hello! I'm asking for you guys' best suggestions for new additions to our current legendary and vote crates- Or changes to existing rewards that are in these crates. We have a unique oppertunity here with Continuum so mold the progression and objective of the modpack our own liking, as we- the server operators - can make our own additions to the complex questing system that is BetterQuesting. We can add our own rewards, objectives and we can even go as far as creating daily or weekly quests that could reward ingame cash or crate keys. If you have any suggestion on that front please also put it below as a response to this topic, and we will see what we can do to improve the overall experience of Continuum
  8. Why does it say ghouliish when your ign is heqt? I also need a bit more information than that, to what Ingamename was the original donation to

  10. We will look at this when we update CTW to 1.12 instead of 1.8-1.12, since we need to rework the plugin that puts you into the game server. As today they are hardcoded in place meaning that we can't really move them at all or all of CTW breaks . And that makes it difficult to paste something in with worldedit if there are pieces so sacred ? The update to CTW will happen together with the network-wide update when we fully release ACv2 and (unfortunately) shut down ACv1, and we are really close to that now.. only some bugfixes left. Do note... that I'm not saying that we will add this build, I'm just saying that we will review and reconsider it when the time is right. Personally, i think it looks great If anything, I'm not a big fan or the signs and names everywhere- I realise that as a builder you want to credit your work but I just think it looks forced and out of place- and I even think the same of the graveyard. While it is a cool idea to credit old staff members some of those have actually come back, like Bas, and some of them actually got kicked.. It's one side of Craftersland that you players don't really see
  11. Beautiful highres craftersland logo right there, some genius must’ve made it.
  12. Hello! If you need help on the server you play on, click on the appropriate link below: Technical Support: Complaints: Unban Requests: Thank you!
  13. Could you grab a few set of screenshots with vanilla textures and no shaders please?
  14. The list of restricted items on our FTB Revelation Server, MC 1.12.2. Last updated 03.12.2022. Disabled Mods: Controlling - Client side mod CustomMainMenu - Client side mod FTB Backups - We use our own backup system InventoryTweaks - Possible dupes MouseTweaks - Possible dupes TipTheScales - Client side mod Restricted Items: Bag of Holding > Extra Utilities - Bugs Beegun > CareerBees - Protection bypass Block Breaker > Actually Additions - Protection bypass Builder (Only restricted in the overworld) > RFTools - Buggy Carminite Reactor > Twilight Forest - Protection bypass Celestial Manipulator > Draconic Evolution - Changing weather Chemical Thrower > ImmersiveEngineering - Buggy Cube of Annihilation > Twilight Forest > Protection bypass Cursed Earth > Extra Utilities 2 - Lag Drop of Evil > Extra Utilities 2 - Lag Displacement Wand > NotEnoughWands - Protection bypass Drill Modules > StevesCarts - Dupes Dynamite > IC2 - Protection bypass Dynamite Carrier > StevesCarts - Protection bypass EFLN > Tinker's Construct - Protection bypass Firestone > Railcraft - Grief Hand of Ender > Botania - Accessing other enderchests Industrial TNT > ic2 - Protection bypass Lens of Certain Death > Actually Additions - Protection bypass Lens of the Killer > Actually Additions - Protection bypass Mining Laser > ic2 - Dupes Morb (Empty) > Thermal Expansion - Protection bypass Moving Wand > NotEnoughWands - Protection bypass Music Disk 13 > Minecraft - Easter egg Issue NUKE > ic2 - Protection bypass Player Probe > Actually Additions - Exploit Rainmaker > Forestry - Changing weather Redstone Clock > Extra Utilities - Bugs Rod of the Shaded Mesa > Botania - Protection bypass Shard of Laputa > Botania - Lag Sticky Dynamite > IC2 - Protection bypass Storage Disks > RefinedStorage - Buggy Storage Scanner > RFTools - Protection bypass Swapping Wand > Not enough Wands - Protection bypass Teru Teru Bozu > Botania - Changing weather Travelers Bag > Actually Additions - Dupes All creative only items are restricted With this restricted items your stuff on the server will be safe from grief so you can play without worries. rev.craftersland.net
  15. Community Rules: These rules apply to every server. Server specific rules are further down. 1. No Hacked Clients: 2. No Abusing Bugs / Exploits: 3. No Advertising: 4. No Inappropriate Conduct: Replaced by Server Rule 2 5. No Harassment: 6. No intentional harm to Server Integrity: 7. No Impersonating Staff: 8. No Griefing any Protected Areas: 9. No Console Clients: 10. No Punishment Evading: 11. Don't sell items for in real life money: 12. No Tracking Staff: 13. No Databasing Players: 0. Use Common Sense: Vanilla Rules: These rules are Vanilla specific. Other servers might share some of these rules, so make sure to always read up on the server specific rules. 1. Creative Items: 2. No Inappropriate Conduct: Replaces Rule 4 in Community Rules. 3. PvP:
  16. Recipe works, however doesn't show up in NEI when looking for the recipe :-(
  17. Granted, but you still got aids. I wish I had more time to do things.
  18. Granted, in law. Because nothing was longer illegal I wish for worldpeace.
  19. Granted, but the restaurant only served Sushi with souls. I wish my cat would listen to me.
  20. Granted, but all the chocolate is sealed in those impossible to open plastic package. I wish I could teleport to any person in the world.
  21. Granted, but your cute little behind is your child. You look like a monster I wish Craftersland launched SF3 today
  22. Granted, but everything would instead cost favors I wish I could fly. Side note, really like this topic. I will give it a temporary pin. Enjoy the games folks Also, feel special- this is my 1000th post.
  23. Great guide, deserving of a pin. Keep more coming if you have more in store.
  24. until
    Join the stream and watch me play Firewatch, Sunday at 9pm CET(gmt+1) http://twitch.tv/henkekalmar More about my streaming schedule here:
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