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Everything posted by Henk

  1. It is not recognizing your player, you might have to be online for it.
  2. Reactivated
  3. Adriibr was your new name, right? reactivated
  4. Should work now
  5. I would love to pump out servers on a conveyor belt, but we always need to take some time to step back and look at what we have before jumping into developing a new server. Like how ever since continuum released we've made a bunch of updates to Network, pushing it to 1.13.2, and releasing ACv2. We have also done a bunch of balancing on the modded servers with the focus on reducing lag and fixing old issues. If we were to keep pushing out server after server, we wouldn't have time to do things like this behind the scenes, and while it's intended for the average player not to notice the work that we do, it is absolutely necessary that it's done or that's when you first will notice it As of right now there are no plans for a new modded server and which pack we will use is yet undetermined. In the past we had planned servers based on the popularity, like how a Continuum server was planned before Revelations even released. A few modpacks that we are currently looking at would be Skyfactory 4 - yet to be released - and Sky Adventures. If FTB in the meantime releases another full fletched modpack that gains a lot of popularity then that would of course be another candidate. We will see. StoneBlock isn't completely out of the question and would still get considered, but I'm not going to make that decision now. Besides, we usually put a modpack into development for atleast a month, sometimes two. So to publish a new servers is also a lot of work.
  6. Your problem is that you either don't use a 64-bit version of Java, or you simply don't have 4gb of ram on your computer. in that case you need to lower it.
  7. Hello, there was a small typo in the config that made is look for NETHER_BRICK, instead of NETHER_BRICKS, the difference here is that the first one is the "ingot" looking brick, which can't be placed down. and the other one is the block. Typo corrected, tested and works again!
  8. no-can-do, sorry. If we grant this for you everyone will want their previous base moved to the new wipe, and that simply renders a wipe useless. There should be a download link for it on the forum if you want to enjoy it in singleplayer
  9. quest 296 is a dummy quest which is intended to act as an "or" gate, meaning that it should be automatically completed when either the Implosion compressor or the rolling machine are completed to then unlock the remaining quests. Which is why it is hidden, as it's meant to be automatic, however the auto complete doesn't seem to work properly, so I added the quest to the first quest page in the bottom right so that you, or anybody else, could manually complete it if it meets the requirements I mentioned. Changed the "placeholder item" to a 16k drive, as I felt it was fitting. "fixed" this by adding three quest, for each item, that requires every crafting component and rewards the item. I don't know why these craftings don't work, but if you find other items from the same mod that don't work please let us know, cuz then there might be an issue with the crafting script. That is way more complex so I didn't want to dive into that unless we have to. As Crafttweaker(what creates the custom recipes) is very broken. One space wrong, one line incorrect.. and all crafting recipes break on the server It's not fun. These quests are meant to be repeatable, but as of this time they are not, BetterQuesting for some reason has issues with creating repeatable quests, but I've found a way around it in the past. I just need to sit down and figure it out again, but for now you can get 1 copy of every item. And horses, well, bruny did test it so I'll ignore that one.
  10. Try now
  11. This is network servers, meaning vanilla.. that doesn't sound vanilla But sorry, rollbacks only apply when loss of items happened due to fault of server. Sorry you lost your item here but from what I can read you were simply killed by a pigmen and was unable to retrieve your items ? That's minecraft.
  12. Reactivated
  13. No, you should NOT build everything inside a single chunk, the way that minecraft is built is that if you have too much stuff in one chunk it would lag you more, (fps) it would lag the server more and it is more likely to become corrupt. so if you value your items, the. DON’T build inside a single chunk. however, you can builf inside a 3x3 chunk for example, enough to keep everything loaded by the player but 9 times more stable than a single chunk.
  14. "SHOULD" be fixed now
  15. Should be fixed now, it was an issue because the top voter rank had not been created on the newer 1.13 servers, but it "SHOULD" be fixed not. Please reply back with a status (also check commands) Sorry for the delay, the 31 day timer starts from this point.
  16. http://wiki.mc-ess.net/doc/ because you're using the wrong commands, it's not /head, and it's /flyspeed
  17. before the weekend? It is the weekend? I can’t tell you when we get a wipe, IF we get a wipe, Bruny would do it when he has the time to It’s many hours of prep work, and then applying it. It takes quite a while.
  18. No, The server gets a full wipe and that includes mystcraft saves. However, you don’t lose the donation if you were to get one, as after a wipe you could just make a new topic and give us the new mystcraft ID that you want to apply it to. Very much like a rank transfer
  19. Since you didn't specify the server, I gave you /skull and /flyspeed on acv1 and PS
  20. Since you didn't specify the server, I gave this on Acv1 and PS. your prefix should also be fixed shortly
  21. Sorry, we can't add this as it allows anyone to jump ahead 19 levels. Besides, I'm not even sure it has a permission node and might only be an OP thing, most mods don't add permissions as their main focus is on singleplayer
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