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Everything posted by MarceLOL

  1. "ahora está casi vacío" XD Lo más curioso es que siga en pie el server después de tantos años en decadencia
  2. MarceLOL

    Secret Room!

    Legend has it that Deivid appears only to the chosen one, nobody has seen him yet... Congratulations finding the secret room :p [Moved to General]
  3. I'll refund you the sword. Maty_Pro is not obligated to return back the bow, but if he has 2 bows and one is exactly as you said I'll take it and give you back
  4. IGN: DiegoGamer888 Rank: Premium+ Server: Pure Survival Screenshots: http://prntscr.com/l854nv He says he had p+ but in lobby it appears as Premium, I don't know if you can check it. He bought it 2y ago. In Pure, the rank disappears.
  5. I'm sure you are talking about a player who is continuously hacking in our server just to code his hack. This server needs a decent AAC, I hope we have one soon. If you want to be admin, first you have to apply and be accepted (you start as Helper, then Judge, Mod, Admin, etc). Now they are closed, but here you have the url https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/220-applications/ Until then, you can report rule breakers and we'll take care of them https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/150-complaints/ Sorry for not being as active as I was before guys
  6. felicidades caraculo

    1. iiTzPaquin_


      Gracias negro, un buen regalo seria el unban :v

    2. MarceLOL
    3. iiTzPaquin_


      ya en unas horas regreso jeje 

  7. Bump... You still have it, right?
  8. Happy birthday baby! 13 years old!!! :-)

    1. N3co_


      Thanks bro :))

    2. N3co_


      14 years old*

  9. Happy birthday :P 

  10. @Terminator
  11. Happy Birthday :)

  12. @josueIlI also created a new map, could you share it?
  13. Happy birthday :P

    1. ZengZ


      Happy Birthday Fire :)

    2. FireKun
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