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Everything posted by Kaszanka_1234

  1. ASOOD isn't even staff on infinity evolved T/C as irrelevant
  2. Rollback complete if anything is missing make a list of items below for a refund
  3. Gruby rollback complete confirmed with player T/C
  4. Items refunded to player in game T/C
  5. Inventory rollback to nearest point at 30.06.2021 12:57 utc+2 If anything is missing make a list of items below for refund
  6. Recipe was added as an thermal expansion's induction smelter recipe using 1x [Immersive engineering fluxed electrum] + 1x [vanilla glowstone dust] to make 1x [energetic alloy] It will work on the server if you put correct items in the machine but you might not see the recipe, to fix that you can install following file on your client EnergeticAlloyAlt.zs or get all of our custom recipes from T/C
  7. moved to suggestions. We will look for some way to add it to fit with the original crafting recipe
  8. restored perks lost on map wipe
  9. items palced in players inventory
  10. you can use draconic evolution portals the same way
  11. items placed in player's inventory
  12. Restored the perks lost on map reset
  13. items placed in bag in player's inventory
  14. While griefing of any base surroundings is not allowed, there is no evidence that timothysage or sleety did any of what you are describing, therefore it is not possible to punish them for this. Just because he visited your base, doesn't mean he did anything to it, people go around the map exploring and visiting other's bases all the time. Additionally tracking players is against the rules for which you have to be punished.
  15. Yes it will overwrite your current inventory, that's why you should put your inventory into a chest or some other storage while logging off to avoid losing your current items. In case of performing the rollback while you are online on the server you will get an appropriate message in game.
  16. You can post under technical supoprt asking for invetory rollback using the template: https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/29543-template-inventory-rollback-request/ but it might take a while to process it. If you remember what you had you can post a refund request instead.
  17. It says you are still member of your town Things like that can happen when you play using a cracked account and then switch to legit one or vice versa. UUID is different then and the server treats you like a different player. It's possible you selected an option to start the game in offline mode in your launcher instead of normal launch. Make sure you are starting the game in online aka normal mode and you should get back your inventory and town access.
  18. Other things that are normally disabled by the modpack were enabled to try to solve some server specific oddities like IE wires disappearing. This doesn't solve anything, it's just making the pack easier and disabling expert mode features, we won't be doing that
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