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Everything posted by Kaszanka_1234

  1. yes, i guess that at least a poll should be opened to see if people really want to wipe If majority of the playerbase wants to wipe the server, then why not wipe it?
  2. WHAT


  3. I wouldn't add them to shop but would make them craftable in QED (like energy transfer node that allows converting eu to rf but not vice versa) with 6 normal rednet cables, 2 signalum ingots and enderium ingot for some added difficulty compared to regular recipe https://imgur.com/2uMLsIo minetweaker script attached for convenience cable.zs
  4. Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have little problem with degeneracy o: someone's handling a lot of degenerates ;) nuzzles your last two non degenerate braincells~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your urge to do something to these people you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your urge to do something to these people it doesn't stop growing ·///·

    1. EPICfighters


      What. The. ****.

      Whatever you are taking... You should stop.

  5. Town ownership and inventory transferred, if there are any issues please reply in this topic
  6. Items refunded to the player in-game
  7. please either make a list of items with their IDs to refund or make a inventory rollback request
  8. Items placed in players inventory, please remember to bind your blood magicka items to yourself.
  9. I think it might be a good idea to change the nickname prefix from "Nick: " to something different (eg. "~" like it is by default) because a lot of people get confused and they think that the name of a person with changed nickname is in fact Nick.
  10. This fog is client side only config. You can edit THIS TWO LINES to false (they are set to true by default) or all the lines in "vanilla biomes to override" { ... } in ...\FTB Infinity Evolved 1.7\.minecraft\config\biomesoplenty\biomegen.cfg to get rid of the fog in the desert or everywhere respectively. You can replace your biomegen.cfg contents WITH THIS or install optifine (removing fastcraft first) and change THIS OPTION to off.
  11. Moved to technical support. Please edit your topic using refund request template then someone from staff will be able to refund this to you. And in the future please use energy infuser/energetic infuser (one is from draconic evolution and the other from thermal expansion, but they both work the same) or enderio wireless charger because capacitor banks are known to delete items.
  12. If you are still having the issue, as a temporary solution you can use any other launcher like multiMC or FTB legacy. CL launcher seems to have problems with loading expert mode recipes.
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