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jkl882 last won the day on March 11 2019

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  1. ok but dont forget the fact that its big bases cause lag, those bases are the ones required to get to late game. if a creative player skips to the end, they wont have these set ups, meaning less machines, less set ups etc. also by skipping to end game, it will just mean the creative person is likely to stop playing sooner due to the fact that there is no longer anything to do, making the game boring. in this case, their base can be requested to be removed after a certain amount of time (i think its a month? not sure though) but overall im 99% sure that a player building up to end game will cause significantly more lag compared to those who just skip to the end and then leave.
  2. point 1, 2 and 3 really shouldnt be an argument in why to remove creative, as those points are already covered by the rules. Any produce, wheither it be from purposely removing a creative tag. producing items using creative only etc machines and selling or gifting, and 3, mining ores with creative spawned in tools, and passing them off as "legit / legal" is also punishable. I think what should be done, is to have a flag on an account which stops a player selling, or somehow gifting items if they've used creative mode. When you come to your point about lag, all creative players so called causing lag, will just happen with normal players after a few months once they get to that same progression point.
  3. Hi, I think it would be for the interest of the server if the twilight forest was to be banned. While someone (even a single player) is inside of the twilight forest the server takes a nosedive, with tps dropping to around 3-4 on a good day, and even dropping to as low as 0.1 tps (as seen a week or so ago). I believe this lag is caused by the fact that chunks don't unload once you load them in there and therefore are only unloaded once the server restarts. With the twilight forest being in the pack, or any server which requires it, it often makes it unplayable, machines taking literally 5 or so times more time to do anything, blocks being required to be broken several times, and restarts happening at least once every 10min (due to auto-restart from low tps). As well as this, just today, there has been a server crash because of it, resulting in a semi rollback (only invs ) as shown by both myself losing items, as well as Thewraith01 losing most of his items due to losing a satchel due to the safe semi rollback. Some people may say that the mod is needed for the pack, I would agree, however, these issues can be worked around, For some quests, trophies are required to pass them. For this, the shop could sell spawn eggs for these bosses, players could simply fight them in the hunting dimension or even at their base if they chose to do so. As well as this, it would make the bosses easier to find, and it wouldn't make it a fight over the limited number of bosses in the twilight (as I believe there is a world border for that too?) The other issue players may see about this, are the items you can get from the twilight only. These items which include torchberries, crystal ore, Fiery ingots, armour shards, borer essence, simple crystals, raw meef and mystical flowers and venison (for cosmic meatballs). could be made available at the spawn shop. There is more than enough room to expand the shop without building anything new, I think that these items shouldn't be overpriced because it is being banned for the sake of the server and therefore it shouldn't make anyone's life harder than it has to. I may have missed items, but I invite people to add onto any that I have missed down below Overall I think that it is a good idea to ban the twilight forest to make the server more playable, with less lag and with less frequent restarts. With the little extra work needs doing to make the pack still possible, I believe it will still be worth it, both for staff not having to do as frequent profilers, and rollbacks due to items lost to lag, but as well to players who will be able to play the pack as intended.
  4. I agree with this, however, I think the system isn't supposed to be used (the buying of claim blocks) well on "our" servers, I think it's just one of those things which has been left at its default value, and just not disabled, however a price reduction would he really nice so I do keep having to buy claim blocks from buy craft lol
  5. User also forgot to mention that a town rollback is required (myf knows about this)
  6. Please change the sound for it, it's so ear piercing
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