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  1. thonk
    karpouzas69 reacted to Konstadoulis in Suggestion relating chance cubes   
    I will agree with you on that since I played on rad where we had the same problem with people destroying the world and back then it was 70% water
    So if we could at least set a rule so we use the chance cubes to the islands or to other dimensions?
    This is more of a general solution for the servers that use Chance cubes
  2. thonk
    karpouzas69 reacted to Konstadoulis in CraftersLand Launcher Released! [v1.6.0] Fine-Tune your experience to the max!   
    did you update the launcher by clicking the update button ?
  3. thonk
    karpouzas69 reacted to Konstadoulis in Unban Gonzogongas   
    Next time contact the staff from that server not the owner
    We are here for a reason 😃
  4. thonk
    karpouzas69 reacted to kaliber110 in Enable Tech Reborn RF compatibility   
    Hello there, 
    I know you can enable the rf compatibility in tech reborn mod config, I think improve the gameplay, because it will make the fusions much better, cause u can only take 8k eu/t. so there is no need of a max size fusion. Also for the conversion in late game it would be nice to use an adse for convert and store energy, don't metter if it is rf or eu. You also can use a much better wiring managemen in case of aesthetics, cause u can't hide ic2 cables.
    I would like hear your opinons.
    @brunyman @EPICfighters @Henk
  5. Thanks
    karpouzas69 reacted to brunyman in Remove GMC from ranks ~ Under Discussion   
    Hi, keep in mind that the lag is not caused by creative, but by some setups, like some mods interact badly with others and when you scale them like crazy it builds up. We find most of laggy bases are not from players with creative access. The creative access was added mainly to gather more funds to be able to keep stuff running and also expand because else you die. Mainly players that get creative access play alone or in a small group and don't interact a lot with others, still there are exceptions indeed what we can do is keep the pearks for players that already have creative access and remove it for new purchases, in time less and less players will have creative access. Should we open a vote pool for these changes?
  6. Like
    karpouzas69 reacted to iiTzFermin_ in Remove GMC from ranks ~ Under Discussion   
    Hi, I could not agree more
    Not only in GTNH server they have this problem in Network we go through the same mainly in PureSurvival
    The permission of the creative ruins a survival it is very frustrating to be playing a survival progressing little by little and that the players with this permission take everything of the creative, as well as the creative opens the doors to endless abuses
    Sorry for my english
  7. Like
    karpouzas69 reacted to JokoJose in Remove GMC from ranks ~ Under Discussion   
    Well while i understand some people like the easy way rather than work hard for the items, i do not understand why do so on a public server instead of in single player. I can only thing of 2 things, the person is looking for a social interaction, which is understandable, or the person is looking to show off and belittle those playing legit.
    For example, a creative player can spawn any item of the game, lets say a Xbow and bolts that can 1 shot anything. Then that player decide to go to every planet before anyone else reach it and clear every dungeon he can, even tho that he dont need the items. Then when a non-creative player reach that planet, it might be forced to travel thousands of miles to find what he/she needs. 
    But the real problem with creative is that there is virtually no limitation of how many items the person can spawn. 
    If you have the power to spawn any item in the game, any quantity you want, what stop the player from spawning thousands of items or machinery? 
    What if the creative player decide that "i need 50 nuclear power plants" just because he can. There is no work getting them, there is no penalty, there is no limitation. If that player wants to create 300 auto miners, what stop him/her from do so? 
    A creative player can single handed destroy the integrity and balance of the server. While money is a factor to take in consideration, people flow is another factor, more people = more money. I am pretty sure the money will flow even without creative. 
    But once again, the only way for staff members to understand what is going on, is to actually log in to the modpack itself, because if you guys do so, you will be the one reach the conclusion that creative hurts more than what it benefit. 
    This is a hardcore modpack that gets affected by the amount of Tile entities the server has to load at a given time, giving the power to a person to spawn as many as he/she want without limitation, its going to kill the server eventually. 
    Specially when it causing the server to restart ever 2 hours or so...

    We need to be realistic, if a single person can hurt the stability of the server, imagine if every person get creative and start building without any control.

    Limit creative to structure blocks only, remove it or make a creative server. But dont expect that non-creative players will stay quiet while creative players ruins the server for everyone. 
  8. Like
    karpouzas69 reacted to _Fefa_ in Remove GMC from ranks ~ Under Discussion   
    I agree
  9. Like
    karpouzas69 reacted to Hegemon in Remove GMC from ranks ~ Under Discussion   
    I agree entirely with Joko on this issue.   People playing creative have "creative" available to them in single player always.  The only reason I can see for playing creative with noncreative players it to lord it over them  so you can be better than them.  This creates  a poisoned environment for the majority that is noncreative.   I come to this conclusion from observing creative players and thier love of showing the things they have in general chat.  
  10. Like
    karpouzas69 reacted to Azzyj in Remove GMC from ranks ~ Under Discussion   
    I 100% agree with the points of this suggestion.  Any of the suggested solutions would be an improvement over what is happening on the server right now.   I understand the potential issues with 'removing' a perk after it has been paid for and I'm uncertain as to how this can be resolved in a manner that makes everyone happy.    I hope that some sort of compromise can be attained as the current atmosphere is quickly becoming 'toxic' due to the polarized play styles and the strong opinions of the players in the pack.     If it is player numbers that you are concerned about, I assure you that true GTNH players are attracted to lag free servers, not ones with creative perks.  
  11. Like
    karpouzas69 reacted to JokoJose in Remove GMC from ranks ~ Under Discussion   

              For the past week i have seen how people that use creative and those that doesn't have had a crash between them.  For players that don't use creative, we feel like creative is a game breaking addition and disturb the "race" to reach high tiers among ourselves. For example, If it took me 1 week to reach LV, a creative person will be ZPM in less than 1 hour. While them being in high tier does not affect the way we play, it does affect the server stability. 
    1- A creative person can spawn in any number of item without limitation, allowing that person to set up an entire solar power system in a matter of minutes. Or many, Many automated process to produce items. Those process take a toll on the server tps and because the creative person in question didn't have to gather the mats, he/she will have no problem spawning as many as he/she want. 
    2- Creative people can spawn the materials to craft a machine, while the materials are tagged as spawned, the machine they build with those spawned items are not tagged as spawned. Meaning that the person in question can craft machines to give to a non-creative player.
    3- Creative people can also spawn the most efficient way of mining ores and/or oil and once again, while the machine, if spawned, is tagged as spawned, the ores/oil it gathers is not tagged as spawned. Meaning that the creative person in question can pass the ores/oil to another person that is not creative. 
    4- Creative people can also instantly spawn rockets of any tier and fly to any planet, even when most people are still in steam age. Then they can just fly to highly demand planets and "empty" them out of resources before people can even reach them. 
    5- Creative people can also lagg the server with in many ways, from massive amount of spawned item, to constantly flying to laggy planets like ross. 
    In other words, creative ranks hurt the server more than what it helps it. So my suggestions are the next:
    1- Remove creative entirely = While i know creative might generate a good revenue for the server, it shouldn't exist in such a hardcore modpack like GTNH.
    2- Only allow structural block on creative = This will still give the creative to those that want it, but will limit them to only structural items to build a base. Like chiseled blocks, but remove access to any ore/ingot/fuel/machinery or any material that is not used to build the structural part of a base. 
    3- Creative server only = while this is more cost to owners pocket, it will create 2 separated server, 1 for creative people and one for non creative people. In that way you dont have to be monitoring who gives what to whom. It will also remove the stress cause by creative people on server with non-creative players. 
    4- Move creative rank to S+ but with structural purpose only = Creative is the strongest tool in the game, it should be the most expensive perk to buy too, but it should be limited. 
    Only those that have played GTNH will understand the issue with creative, so my last recommendation is for the owner to try the modpack and then decide for himself after he experience the modpack and the pros and cons of creative. You cannot sell a product if you don't understand it, sometimes you might lose more money when your only focus is money and not customer service. 

    I meant no disrespect to anyone, everyone is welcome to add their opinion in a respectful way, either to agree with me or disagree. Everyone deserves to be read. 

    (On a side note, P+ has a perk of retain exp when you die, but that perk is not working at all, please take a look at it, thanks)
  12. Like
    karpouzas69 got a reaction from unknown1234 in Unban Gonzogongas   
    Unban Request Accepted
    Sorry for that I know I should have asked first.
  13. thonk
    karpouzas69 reacted to 3XJ in Hi   
  14. thonk
    karpouzas69 reacted to Obeliske in I would like to see Mining world randomized   
    I'm going to be honest I'm not sure why this is a thing, but Mining World when reset is a literal copy of itself. I would suggest it be randomized for a large number of reasons
    -Being non-randomized benefits long term players over new ones as long term players will have waypoints set already to all the ore veins. This is problematic as it makes it harder for new players to get the easy close by nodes they need to progress as older players already having the waypoints will have mined out the easy to reach nodes.
    -Non-randomized means that I may go and WP every village in Mining world and loot them upon reset meaning it's that much harder for various things that spawn in villages (ie, various witchery books) meaning an older player can corner the market on these types of materials and prevent fresher players from breaking into it as easily.
    -Non-randomized world means that some biomes will never spawn (my girl asked me if there was an ocean biome for instance and I've been all over but am unaware of any)
    -Randomized Biomes promote exploration of the world rather then players going directly from A to B
    -I personally believe in selling information, when I get some good info I pay for it and I like to sell WP to ore veins, that's impossible to do if the world is set
    -According to my girl the exploration is part of the fun and experience of the game

    When I go mining an ore vein I take my lunch box a quarter stack of ingots a repair table and a couple stacks of torches. I don't really have to do these things thanks to the /home and back commands but when I go mining I don't want to be interrupted. I do my thing and I go home. I want to really experience the whole game and a large part of that is exploration and I think that random mining world really promotes that. I really think the server would benefit from players slowing down and enjoying their time here, that's the point of Minecraft, somebody actually came to my base and gave me shit for making it look nice last night because I'm not rushing the end game stuff so I must not be efficient and that got me thinking about exactly what kind of players benefit both the game and the server in general. When I started the server was almost dead and I had long periods of time on my own on the server to explore and learn things and I miss that tbh. I think it's an important aspect of the game. Especially if regular world isn't going to be reset again for a long time I think it's important to give players something to explore and mining world could very well be it.
  15. Like
    karpouzas69 got a reaction from Gonzaleans in Unban Gonzogongas   
    Unban Request Accepted
    Sorry for that I know I should have asked first.
  16. Like
    karpouzas69 reacted to Gonzaleans in Unban Gonzogongas   
    As long as you think twice in a next time, it was not in vain, nobody is perfect, you just did what you thought was right, your stronger/wiser now
  17. Like
    karpouzas69 got a reaction from Nightingale in Unban Gonzogongas   
    Unban Request Accepted
    Sorry for that I know I should have asked first.
  18. Like
    karpouzas69 got a reaction from legacy9032184302934 in Unban Gonzogongas   
    Unban Request Accepted
    Sorry for that I know I should have asked first.
  19. Haha
    karpouzas69 got a reaction from SnoopDawgrr in my apologies for what happend in the past   
  20. Like
    karpouzas69 got a reaction from ASOOD in my apologies for what happend in the past   
  21. thonk
    karpouzas69 reacted to ItsBattlepro_ in my apologies for what happend in the past   
    hello all
    So this post is mostly aimed at  the people i was staff with at the time when the incidents occured. but also for all the rest the somehow got caught up with the mess i caused.
    so when i came back a few months ago. after being gone for more than a year, i noticed some people still have a grudge against me. thats why i'm making this post now. to apologise to everyone i might have annoyed,pissed off, or offended.
    I don't know why i behaved the way i did. but i now realise i was behaving very childish. so i want to apologise for this. 
    now i want to especially apologise to @Henk since i kept bugging him in DM's for over a month. even when he blocked me i used my alt account. I have now read back alot of our messages and have found out that you had alot of patience with me. and actually tried to prevent me from doing the stupid things i did. I don't understand how you kept your cool. but i respect that.
    i know i can't turn back everything that happend. however i hope with this post that people can forgive me. and hopefully give me a second change.
    Greetings ItsBattlepro_ 
    TL:DR i'm sorry for my behaviour one and a half year ago. 
  22. Like
    karpouzas69 reacted to villjo in Hi   
  23. Like
    karpouzas69 reacted to unknown1234 in Hi   
  24. thonk
    karpouzas69 reacted to dcwy62 in Hi   
  25. thonk
    karpouzas69 got a reaction from Timur in Hi   
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