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Konstadoulis last won the day on July 14 2021

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About Konstadoulis

  • Birthday 12/17/2001

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  1. @brunymanit's been a while since u updated the server with the last update and the server is just unplayable. I mentioned it countless times (me and the players) please wipe the the server.
  2. @brunyman
  3. We can give you /effect depends on the effects you give to yourself tho and disguise if it's actually a cosmetic command but for the rest I don't agree since I don't see a reason to have them. Anyway just wait for a manager
  4. Seems u don't know who is D34Dplayer XD
  5. please remove any items from your inventory so u dont lose them and reply when you are ready
  6. please remove any items from your inventory so u dont lose them and reply when you are ready
  7. Not just battle towers every structure is raided at this point.
  8. regarding what you told me on pixelmon you should ping bruny here and tell that you want to redeem the money
  9. thats package reactivation
  10. Well if he got it through keys there's no problem with that
  11. As we work to improve our servers, we wish to allow this vote pool to determine what the Pixelmon staff team should invest their time into first. The project with the most votes will be first to implement. If there are large voting gaps between the options, no further vote will take place and instead each project will be done one by one in order. The creation of a leveling system that every badge you obtain, you unlock new benefits and additional permissions as it is in the games too. So for example with the 1st badge you will be able to use berries for farming and making lures, the 2nd badge will give you the permission to mount your pokemons so u will be able to fly or just have a way to explore faster. These are merely an example for this option. Suggestions are welcomed. Each dimension will have each own spawn area that will be later used for world bosses/new crates/tournaments and more. That means that every portal will send you to 0,0 and you can use an rtp sign or use the command that you would unlock with your progress. The recreation of the current spawn to a new bigger and more interactive one that the player will be able to explore and unlock further features that will change with each month. The continuation of my current project which is making towns/cities/dungeons and more to the whole world . This means that we might have to move it to a new world so this one will take a while. This will add lots of new quests that some will be based on the actual pokemon series, more gyms that players will be able to run and defend them when a new challenger comes and tries to get the gym badge (becoming a gym leader will be the same meaning that you will have to defeat the champion), areas that some legendaries will spawn (Example https://imgur.com/a/i0ikg6T ) and more!! This is more of an addition of the 2nd one that will add different areas that bosses will be able to spawn for raid battles or something similar that probably you will join a team and the team with the most damage dealt to the boss will win rewards. New world like safari area that you will gain access by buying a pass with in-game currency or getting it from weekly rewards which will have all the biomes and you will be able to use a certain amount of pokeballs that you will be given to catch pokemon. Note - this will also be affected by the leveling up system. Global Events (more info will be provided soon).
  12. U can turn the entity spawn to false too so they don't spawn at all
  13. It's 1.12.2 but u can use our launcher since it only downloads the right packs
  14. from which server is this exactly ?
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