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Everything posted by xtomyserrax

  1. An update on this. Look at this new screenshots, he told me he only sold diamond boots and enchanted books. He got this items and he has tons of transaction books of things he havent sold. For example, there is a transaction book of him selling a 500k item, when you do balance on him, he only has 6k. The items he gets from the mail are Unsignable. https://imgur.com/a/iIaRKgU More stuff (this is happenig every day to Frybie): Look this case: it says yagosmanuel bought something and then the transcation book says another thing: https://imgur.com/a/ln6WKPX Also, this other player appears in a transaction book. Frybie never sold a diamond helmet. And I asked playstation01 and he says he just bought diamond leggins for 400k. There is no correlation on what he Frybie and playstation say with what the book says. https://imgur.com/a/FT3cDuW This bug report is also duplicated by: https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/38362-very-bad-bug-on-assassins-trade-market/
  2. Hey, banned by who and whats your minecraft username? Please edit this post and use this template for making an unban request:
  3. OMG this warp is so cool and op! Thank you for making it, its just amazing!
  4. Hey, have you tried closing minecraft and opening it again? Does it say something else?
  5. Topic moved from Network to SkyFactory4 Technical Support.
  6. Here is an image of a bow he got with this bug. It says unsignable, and unsignable are the transaction books. Might be happening something weird and items glitch. We tried but couldnt reproduce. Here is the screenshot of the bows enchantments: https://imgur.com/a/9D8aoBp - I have that bow saved in my inventory of AC in case you need it to see its meta information. You can open my offline inventory there. New evidence: https://imgur.com/a/gBHIqcQ and https://imgur.com/a/0vA1DR0 (see that unsignable in that sword) He gets multiple transaction logs of things he didnt sell and a price he never put. Also they are like multiplied
  7. Heyy, I said this on chat but wanted to let you guys know that we are listening and that this topic will be considered! Again, if someone wants to say something, all suggestions are more than welcome (of course if you are being respectful). Regarding the Hook bug, it has been fixed! (If you want you can edit and hide it with spoiler) About Spawn Camping, this is a really hard to solve topic. There are a lot of ways of dealing with it, none of them could be 100% effective and surely none of the solutions will make people happy. So yeah, if you have more ideas of what we could do with this, let us know! Also, here is a post from Jimmel talking about this: https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/20661-ac-v1-dealing-with-spawn-camping/ Thank you guys!
  8. Thanks for the ones working on this! Cant wait to experience Glaskerville!
  9. Apparently 1.14.1 is comming on Monday! This means: tons bug fixes (and some more new ones haha)!
  10. The Secret Room is so secret nobody knows about it ?
  11. I am incredibly happy to see this post. Cant wait to see the community reaction and their ideas! We put a lot of effort here, and Henk did an amazing leader job (an also his textures)
  12. Sorry I just read this. Thank you for your words Henk, I had a really great time working with you on this. By this project I was allowed to meet you, to know how good you are and how much you care about this community. I am glad to have helped, though I am a new student to this and learning, I am really glad of all the knowledge I aquired (I am really surprised). Thank you, and I am always going to be here (with less or more time )
  13. I do really like this post and to see what the community thinks. In this case, I agree that the enchant command could be something really OP for Sponsors but in my opinion the fly command should stay. It was the top reason of buying the rank and also something amazing for lazy people who want to travel around the world easily and also a tool for doing some really hard parkours. I know there may be tons of pros and cons about this so it would be amazing to see what others think (as for the good and the bad things) and to find the best solution! Thank you!!!
  14. It is beautiful! I really like it!
  15. Obviously The Killers. Best band ever on earth. I cant pick a song as I love all of them, it sounds terrific and their lyrics are beautiful!
  16. Heyyy, post screenshots so lazy people like me can see your entire tutorial without downloading haha!! Thank you for making this!
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