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Everything posted by iim_wolf

  1. Moved to Technical Support Please follow this template for inventory rollback:
  2. Hi, doesn't seem you are on tekkit player database, on what server do you play?
  3. Moved to Technical Support Please use the template:
  4. Hi ttia, On what server do you play?
  5. Keep reconnecting, or try restart your router
  6. What's your error message vovik
  7. Such a nice project, well done Scriding
  8. Post moved to SF4 Technical Support
  9. Hi
  10. If you follow the template i'll refund you.
  11. Moved to Technical Support. There is a message every 5 minutes that says refined storage is bugged and use AppliedEnergistic2 instead. Reply my post with the Refund Template with the highest value items and the one you remember. NOTE: Next time you'll use Refined Storage and you blame it's disappeared, items won't be refunded due to player fault.
  12. Hi _XNaN0_, we got another player having your same problem, he had Malware Bytes as antivirus. If you have it disable it and it should work, if not then same reply as the last post, i don't know sorry.
  13. Well to be honest I don't know what's causing it. If you run it good on other servers it's kinda a server host problem, location or something else. Can't help you with that :C
  14. Hi _XNaN0_, to be honest i'm not sure what is that, but i had the same problem on po3 on another server. It was caused due to low allocated ram for the entire computer processes which caused disconnect me due to unable load the connectio resource while logging in and due to bad connection. How much RAM you got in your computer and do you have a good connection like 20Mb? Let us know
  15. Hi ClickedI, What's the downloaded world version and what's your current version trying to join with. Probably it's some kinda bug caused by version change.
  16. Hi Luidark, as iiTzFermin_ said reply to this message with the template linked by him above.
  17. Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4096M > Invalid maximum heap size: -Xms4096M Check the marked words, you probably missclicked and pressed x and not s while modifying the max ram, try swap these 2 chars and let we know if it works
  18. Subject: Servers always restart based on it's currently tps, but sometimes restart every 5 mins with still 20 tps. Suggestion: If it's possible make a programmed restart time based on a timezone (for me UTC+1 like 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 00:00, so every 4 hours), remove the random restarts and if possible too fix the damn tps "meter" that makes server restart (if server has less than 5 tps in 10 mins it gets restarted if no it doesn't and wait for the programmed restart). Thanks for your time spent seeing my suggestion, I hope it's possible do what i wrote up ^^. Have fun - iim_wolf
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