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djgaz180 last won the day on November 11 2019

djgaz180 had the most liked content!

About djgaz180

  • Birthday 04/20/1889

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Iron Miner

Iron Miner (9/26)



  1. Your Name: djgaz1080 Island Owner Name: djgaz1080 Coordiantes: X:-806 Y:185 Z:2405 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 09/06/2021 Description of Issue: all of my ME drives are missing upon logging in, a rollback might help the issue Screenshots (Optional): N/A SF 2.5 btw
  2. i remember that sponsors used to be able to request commands, could i request //wand, //regen and //replace? i want to build some stuff but would be much easier with //wand lmao also, i decided to come back to mess around whilst working the night shift, so.. hi i guess lmao also wasn't sure where to post this..
  3. i've noticed a few players come back, including myself. Might be a few months late but man i had some great times here.
  4. ayy lmao i'm back bitches

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. djgaz180


      bruh i was wondering who was still around lmao

    3. cmyk


      Lol I just came back this summer, I don’t know if ima be able to keep playing when I go back to college tho

    4. djgaz180


      got a new job, work nights for a homeless centre, thought i'd kill some time by coming back and fucking about on tekkit lmao

  5. I see djgaz i click

    1. djgaz180


      why tf are you not on tekkit nub

    2. cmyk


      if u on gimme 15 minutez i gotta redownload it

    3. djgaz180
  6. quality shitposting

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