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  1. Your Name: Cubone Coordiantes: 1687, 88, 2635 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2021-06-15 13:00 Description of Issue: moving the last of the stuff out of my old, bugged, base into a new one but it looks like there was a rollback on a crash and the remaining chests i moved have dissapeared from both. Everything else was moved at least a few days ago so i doubt anything else was lost. Screenshots (Optional):
  2. Your Name: Cubone Coordiantes: 1687, 88, 2635 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2021-05-30 23:50 Description of Issue: Can just the above block be rolled back. An rftools modular storage seems to have wiped itself sometime since last night. Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Yup, and unfortunately that's the sort of thing that just instantly kills someone's enthusiasm for playing. Not giving players the opportunity to make that mistake seems like the best way to go, especially right now since few, if any people will have an RF setup right now.
  4. I'm not sure if that is the one since there have been a few issues in SMP that don't seem to be consistently reproducible but drive losses have been happening for as long as the mod has existed.
  5. You can store the liquid XP inside EnderIO's Experience Obelisk. I believe it has infinite capacity (I think mine was at level 1500 before restart) and you can input/take out levels through a UI or pump liquid XP straight out of it.
  6. I know the thread's a month old now but given the restart its worth looking at this. RS has been a never ending source of item loss since it was introduced and somehow the issues still haven't been resolved. Players who don't know any better show up fairly frequently on the server having lost items and it would be easier to just disallow it entirely. Apparently there are issues with returning RS items when the mod bugs out too? But having never had to I don't know about that.
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