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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by TaraBites

  1. What's the link to join the discord server? The links on the forum post about it are expired.
  2. Hey! Hope you had a great birthday

  3. you were streaming all this? i dont fully understand what this shows lol
  4. Rip, I remember when it was last reset and I was one of the first few to get on. I was lucky enough to find a village and build near it and make a decent little place.
  5. Merry Christmas!! Missing the friends I made. Should I come back in the next month or so? Things in my life seem to be starting to calm down now...

  6. Missing everyone. Life is still pretty tough to handle on a day-to-day basis. Maybe by January I will come back :)

  7. rip my staff rank. i hope to come back in a few months

  8. looks cool. also it's "mesopotamia" xD sorry, i am a history major and that era of history is super interesting
  9. Keep calm and eat chocolate. It helps

  10. I would make pet adoptions free for a month so all pets would have homes, and I would also get rid of the hate in my country. Not sure how, but I would try. What would you do if you had the option to go to school for free until your desired degree was finished, or use that money to travel?
  11. Granted, but now the AC is so good, you can't shut it off. I wish our pets could speak
  12. Whooooooo I got promoted today :D Judge now

  13. Granted, but even your thoughts are super speed. I wish I had no mental health problems ;D
  14. Granted, but all food now tastes like your favorite food and thus you get tired of it. I wish I owned a doggo Gonna turn this light again
  15. @akaElite why you react sad to meh post?
  16. Halp. How do I set a forum signature?

    1. TaraBites
    2. FreeFallFTW


      It's in account settings,it's a little confuzing tbh

    3. TaraBites


      Yeah took a lot of searching to find it

  17. HAI I've been here for almost 2 months, so I figured I should make one now xD thanks boss man
  18. Name: Tara IGN: TaraBites Age: 24! CraftersLand Servers you play: I've played SF3, Direwolf 1.7.10, and now currently on Revelations (Helper!) Location: Oklahoma, USA A short description of yourself: Well, I'm 5' 8", blonde with blue eyes. I love chocolate (as seen by my picture), I love Minecraft (as seen by my constantly being on Rev), animals are life, my bf Viper is my reason for living (no joke, he's saved my life a couple times), and I'm a stickler for rules, but I can let loose sometimes and have fun and crack jokes Just ask Behh! Hobbies and interests: Like I said before, chocolate, Minecraft, puppers/doggos/kitties, chocolate, caffeine, my bf, any and all music, making friends is fun (but I kinda suck at making and keeping them) Discord / Skype Name: I don't use Skype anymore...my Discord is TaraBites#8094 add me and we can chat (If you're on the server's discord, that's the only way to message me, since I think that's how my settings are set up)
  19. reviving a dead topic! I love music! I have a wide range of tastes and I love it
  20. Granted, but then you live an extremely boring and bland life. I wish I had no more debt. (Excited to see how someone replies to this one)
  21. Woohoo staff now :D

    May 24, 2018

  22. HIYA NOOBS! ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TaraBites


      I'm a huge noob ;) all I do is mine xD

    3. DeBunnynator


      I mean, does it really make you a noob...to mine...in MINEcraft?

    4. TaraBites


      ?all i do is mine, mine, mine no matter what?

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