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  1. We would really need this after a reset: - A fixed player market or a real market area with signshops/carrotshop - Better chunkloaders. Some that only load while a player is online but correctly. Current situation is that half of my base gets unloaded (mainly the energy system) while the rest remains active resulting in machines running out of energy (e.g. OpenComputers, Sag Mills, etc). - More lagging stuff banned (like EnderIO conduits, quantum quarries, ...) - Reset the End and the Nether every time the server restarts - Preferably automatic claim removal/reset after long enough inactivity but I don't think any plugin offers that.. Otherwise this server will end up just as badly as it is now..
  2. You don't have to give everyone the permission to set up signshops. I'm just asking for a permission for me to set some signshops up. The plugin is already there as the spawn shop is using signshop, you'd just need to add me to the permissions for creating one. I'm not trying to get rich with my shop, I'm not even online that often or know what to do with all the money, I just want to help people. For example there are always people that just enjoy building stuff and not setting up void miners and ore processing machines etc.. They just come to my shop, buy 4000 wood and start building. You can't provide such a service by signshops at spawn or through the player market, not even through player signshop markets (at least not that easily). Or do it like other servers and create a separate, small world where people can create shops and only allow signshops in there. How can you abused a sign shop though? Selling different items than written on the sign? yeah that could be a problem. But that's why I only ask for myself, not for the whole server.
  3. Uhm thanks but what am I supposed to do with this information? Ok you confirmed that there is some issue with the player market.. right, we know that, nice to know some more details but isn't changing anything. What I'm asking is to be allowed to set up a signshop just like the spawn, only with 2-5 signs so people can exchange server funds for my shop funds and be able to buy stuff there. Even if the player market was to be fixed, I'd prefer this solution as otherwise I'd have to log in every day to restock the player market with exchange floppy disks.
  4. Well I just want to bring this up again..
  5. If you don't make clear rules and even ban lagging items, people will continue to create lag. Don't expect people to build wise, enforce it.
  6. I created an automatic shop system using OpenComputers but I have difficulties exchanging server money for shop funds because the player market keeps removing my opencomputers floppy disks (that I use as an exchange currency) with every server restart. Would it be possible to allow me to set up a signshop so I can sell these disks like the spawn sells items? Many people would really like my shop to work correctly but without a reliable means of exchanging server money for shop funds it is only of limited use. Here's a screenshot of the shop's GUI:
  7. I was online when this happened. One moment he had S+ and over 30k$ and the next he had an account with exactly the same name but no rank and no funds. And tab completion also shows those 2 accounts with the same name.
  8. This is fixed in 2.5.0 and can be closed/removed
  9. Thanks for your answer! Hmm I'm not sure this is really about restarts and being a weird AE2 issue but if you tell me, that no AE2 files are touched during maintenance, I have to believe you. This issue however doesn't happen for a week and survives many server restarts (I have been playing for one week about 14h/day), which led us to believe, that it's connected to the server maintenance. And it would be weird that something basic like this is a AE2 issue nobody cared to fix because AE2 is an extremely mature mod.
  10. Today I noticed that my AE2 P2P tunnels weren't connected anymore although correctly set up and working yesterday. Also the security terminal was basically disconnected from the network and had to be placed again. In a discussion today it was clear, that this happens every week and is basically a common problem. The assumption is that during maintenance the corresponding AE2 files get deleted. It would be great if that was not the case as building without P2P tunnels would be annoying and recreating the link is too.
  11. I can confirm that it is fixed with the latest update. Until the modpack gets updated, there is a workaround, that I confirmed working in Singleplayer: Change in opencomputers settings.conf the filesystem config "bufferChanges=true" to false. This feature is bugged in our version and disabling the bufferChanges will prevent the mod from writing zero byte (empty) files. Please implement this workaround so we can reliably use OC computers. This also applies to the other modpacks that have opencomputers (I think it was only one).
  12. OpenComputers has a serious bug: After installing OpenOS onto a HDD it initially works when rebooted and if the OpenOS Disk is installed but fails with "Unrecoverable Error computer halted" if rebooted, HDD removed and inserted, HDD inserted into a robot and similar. It makes using OC almost impossible as every reboot could lead to an unusable PC. This seems to be a bug that has been fixed: https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1808-computer-halted-error/ It doesn't seem to be a file system permissions problem as it happens in Singleplayer too. Now I do know that the Modpack has to be updated to update OpenComputers, which probably means we have no way of using OC on the server?
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