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Everything posted by PapaMaoDONG

  1. Use this free ''Unstuck'' package so you can teleport yourself to spawn. https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141
  2. After reading the post from @Voidic_Fangwhich we read with joy,we cannot add any further plugins. The following reasons for that are: 1) market scams would be way more common, 2) the buy system would be hard to monitor and trace 3) and would essentialy ruin the server's economy even more quickly. Although, there are some good news! This topic is an excellent example of how we should further reorganise the existent buy shop at spawn. The current one is pretty outdated, the prices are overrated and there is lots of room for potential. There is a whole basement that doesn't serve nothing currently that's located in spawn, so we could make a new shop there in the near future. Also, why implement a new plugin when the existing /market works quite well, and functions quite well? We enjoy seeing suggestions like these because it shows us the player's interest in the servers growth!
  3. @Mr.BoringIt says “fresh start for all” so it means that everything gets wiped.
  4. I can answer number 2. ; if you have ever paid for donor ranks such as VIP, Premium etc... or ''max homes'' or ''max market listings'', if you do not have them after the wipe happened, freely make a Package Reactivation.
  5. Devil_Official69, you'll have to make a claim rollback request in order to restore your librarians back, as we can't physically spawn them in with the exact enchants they had.
  6. PART 3. LYCANITES MOBS We continue where we left off last time. Today, we're talking about Lycanites Mobs and how to tame them! But first...some essential information about the mod itself! Lycanites Mobs is a mod created by ''Lycanite'' themselves, and this mod really fires up the gameplay in RLCraft. The mod adds a whopping 110 mobs to the game, and they're all divided in a specific type: Aberration - Asmodeus, Astaroth, Beholder, Krake, Shade, Trite Aquatic - Abaia, Abtu, Aglebemu, Cephignis, Dweller, Ika, Ioray, Lacedon, Roa, Silex, Skylus, Strider, Thresher Arthropod - Calpod, Concapede, Darkling, Erepede, Eyewig, Frostweaver, Gorgomite, Herma, Joust, Joust Alpha, Lurker, Sutiramu, Tarantula, Vespid, Vespid Queen Avian - Raiko, Roc, Uvaraptor, Ventoraptor Beast - Arisaur, Aspid, Barghest, Chupacabra, Conba, Dawon, Epion, Feradon, Geken, Jabberwock, Khalk, Kobold, Maka, Maka Alpha, Manticore, Maug, Quillbeast, Salamander, Warg, Wraamon, Yale, Yeti Brute - Ettin, Lobber, Troll, Wildkin Demon - Behemoth, Belph, Cacodemon, Pinky, Rahovart Dragon - Cockatrice, Ignibus, Morock, Quetzodracl, Remobra, Zoataur Elemental - Aegis, Argus, Banshee, Cinder, Djinn, Eechetik, Geonach, Grue, Jengu, Nymph, Reiver, Spectre, Spriggan, Sylph, Tremor, Vapula, Volcan, Wisp, Wraith, Xaphan, Zephyr Imp - Afrit, Arix, Clink, Pixen, Gnekk Plant - Ent, Shambler, Treant, Triffid Undead - Amalgalich*, Cryptkeeper, Geist, Ghoul, Reaper, Wendigo Worm - Crusk, Gorger, Serpix As you can see, there are MANY mobs that ''Lycanite Mobs'' bring to the game. I've underlined the 3 Boss Events, which can be activated by making an altar and using the correct ''Soul key''. A small number of these mobs will not appear in the normal world (due to the excessive number of mobs). *The ''Amalgalich'' Boss Event has been disabled due to causing lag and potential grief. How do you make an altar? Easy... Each boss event has a special altar that only works for that specific boss event. For example: This is the altar you use to summon ''Rahovart''. When you do so, you right-click the ''Demonic Soulcube'' which is located in the center with the correct ''Emerald Soul Key'' or ''Diamond Soul Key''. Let's get back to the more interesting stuff...taming a Lycanites Pet! Every time you encounter a new Lycanites Mob, you receive the following text: In other words, in order to summon a ''Kobold'' as your minion, you'll need a ''Summoning Staff'' which is easily obtainable in the ''Vote Crate''. The default button to access your ''Bestiary'' is G. Here, you can setup what minion would you like to spawn in when using a ''Summoning Staff''. The process of taming begins like this: 1. Firstly, tame your Lycanites Mob with the correct ''treat''(there are 14 of them, eg. you tame a Roc with “Avian Treat”) 2. Use a ''Soulstone'' to bind your pet to your ''Bestiary'' 3. Every time you want to spawn in your Lycanite Pet, simply press ''G'' to access your Bestiary and you can then change his actions, stance and movement!
  7. PART 2. BAUBLES So, we're back with another interesting and very important item: baubles. The game uses 5 mods that support baubles, but the most important are ''Bountiful Baubles'' and ''Trinkets and Baubles''. Both of these mods are pretty necessary to continue onwards. As you can see here, there are 7 total slots where you can place your baubles. The mod ''Bountiful Baubles'' provide the following baubles: Ankh Charm Ankh Shield Balloon Bezoar Black Dragon Scale Broken Heart Cobalt Shield Cracked Black Dragon Scale Cross Necklace Ender Dragon Scale Forbidden Fruit Gluttony Pendant Golden Crown Iron Ring Mixed Color Dragon Scale Obsidian Shield Obsidian Skull Phantom Prism Pride Pendant Ring of Free Action Ring of Overclocking Shulker Heart Sin Pendant Sunglasses Vitamins Wrath Pendant The mod ''Trinkets and Baubles'' provide the following baubles: Ring of Enchanted Eyes Stone of Inertia Null Stone of Greater Inertia Sea Stone Wither Ring (on our restricted items list) Poison Fang Stone Stone of Negative Gravity Polarized Stone Ring of the Dwarves Ring of the Fairies Ender Queen's Crown Dragon's Eye I've bolded out some of the baubles because most of them are pretty important and are the most used baubles. Every bauble is unique in its abilities, so I'll leave it up to you to find out what each one does. But, something I'll tell you right now is that most of the newcomers miss in, and that is the QUALITY of baubles. Most of the newcomers miss out on quality. As you can see here, when you've equipped this Ankh Charm, you will receive a -5% penalty in speed, dig speed and attack speed. Also, you can receive a bonus to your stats. As you can see, the player equipped with this ''Violent Ankh Charm'' receives +8% in attack speed. These bonuses are called ''modifiers'' and they are a part of the ''Bountiful Baubles'' mod. There are in total 18 modifiers which affect the players' status. But now you are asking...how can you change the quality and the modifier? It's pretty simple! For starters, you'll need 2 so-called ''reforging stations''. One reforging station belongs to the ''Bountiful Baubles'', and the other belongs to ''Quality tools''. The reforging station from ''Bountiful Baubles'' is used to change the modifier, and you simply use your EXP to change the modifier on your bauble. The other reforging station from ''Quality tools'' simply changes the quality on your bauble, tool or weapon. This one though does not use your EXP. You need to use an item/material to change the quality. The universal material to change the quality on any tool/weapon/baubles are NETHER STARS.
  8. So, you're amongst the few that took up the challenge... of playing RLCraft! Through this guidebook, I shall give my best to give every new player a (relatively) smooth start at this nightmare! When I said relatively, I meant that there will always be moments when you're cornered and there's no where to go and the only exit is DEATH. PART 1. THE BASICS Firstly, when you have successfully registered, you're given a piece of stick and a golden shovel. For now, this is irrelevant, so you can stash it in your inventory. After that, and I can't stress this enough, you should definetly go and /vote. It's pretty important because of 2 reasons: 1. it keeps the servers' popularity (duh) and 2. you get VOTE KEYS! Vote keys are pretty important for only one reason: it's the only way to get your starter gear easily! There are 3 types of vote crates: 1. The ordinary ''Vote'' Crate 2. The ''Legendary'' Crate 3. The ''Mystic'' Crate You can check the contents of each crate by left-clicking the crate you're interested in. You can open crates with the correct key by right-clicking the crate. So, after you got your starter gear...it's time to do some EXPLORING! As terrifying as it may sound, it really isn't. But, you need to keep in-check with these following conditions when you're exploring: 1. what season is it currently (Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring) because it directly changes your temperature bar 2. is your food bar and water bar filled enough so you can safely explore 3. do you have the proper gear to do exploring. The command to enter the ''Raid'' world is simple, /warp raid. When you're teleported, the next step is typing in the command /rtp (random teleport). You are then randomly teleported at some location, and here, it really depends on your luck. You can be randomly teleported into the depths of the sea, in a cave, or on a very high mountain which can cause your temperature bar to go down. If you want to play it safe, I suggest that you exit the safe zone at /warp raid and go on foot! On your way, you might encounter dangerous Lycanites mobs, dungeons, weird buildings...all of this I shall be posting at further notice. For now, I think I have explained most of the basics you should know. Under this, there are posted pictures of vote crate items and some basic things.
  9. https://discord.gg/hyucMT Here you go!
  10. To be honest, it's not really the server's problem nor responsibility because you had a full inventory at the time you clicked ''Return all items''. Also, you have to have in mind that the listings are removed after 7 days they have been listed. So next time be more careful. P.S. If someone really wants to see the market, he'll just keep clicking ''Next page''.
  11. How can’t you sell items? Could you explain a little bit more?
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