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xtomyserrax last won the day on January 2 2024

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About xtomyserrax

  • Birthday September 18

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    : Argentina
  • Interests
    Apple, Programming, Star Wars and any computer related thing!

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  1. Haha looool, I thought this was a joke. I dont really deserve this but thank you so much haha. It looks really cool, what a handsome skin! Thanks for all the stuff you guys are doing!
  2. What is your friend's username? Do you want to use it on Network?
  3. Moved back again to Technical Support. Refund will be made after the bug is fixed. In-Game Name: jostindt Server (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): PureSurvival Item name + Item ID (Item ID optional, but very helpful!): Villagers valued at 13k (eggs cost) Description of Issue (how you lost the items): Server restart issue
  4. Idea 1 added, now Pure has a sleep plugin!
  5. Please take into account that we can still get some stuff from suggestion number one without a wipe. The most important impact of a wipe is in economy which we all know it has been destroyed. So what do you guys think? Does AC need a wipe? Would you be happy of it? Thanks!
  6. Hey, I cant see the evidence. Could you upload it to https://imgur.com/ please? It accepts videos. And he is the reported player so Im totally fine if he gives opinion (which can be useful or useless, depends on the situation and the evidence)
  7. Heyyy thank you again for your words. This kind of community posts help a lot and its an amazing way of being heard. The other day we had a talk with @brunyman in order to address some issues you are talking here, I hope he reads this too. About PS, WorldEdit being able to destroy claimed regions issue has been fixed and the fixed version will be added when we update to 1.16 About other topics I think I agree with almost all of them. About creative it is a hard topic because many people payed for that so its hard to change that but Im not the one who could make a decision about it (I agree that something called PURE Survival doesnt have sense to have creative, and also economy in PS is useless). Just as a reminder to higher ups, we had this post: And about bugs, well we have a list I made with a lot of found bugs which I wont share the number because it is sad but in my case I will do my best to do what I can to fix them (I cant do much but yes offer some help, for example I fixed a loooot of bugs related with the protection plugin in PS which hasnt been updated yet because of what I said before) and well I know that higher ups will try to give Network a little bit more attention. Thank you again for taking your awesome time on writing this, people's opinion is always welcome!
  8. Hey, idk if you knew but players cant chat in CTW servers because of an NPE every time players send messages and also the 1.8 pvp system is really bugged, sometimes works and sometimes doesnt. There are videos showing that @brunyman It makes me sad because CTW was one of my favuorite servers and a really played one, but now its impossible to play because of those two important aspects
  9. Please specify the server so we can move the topic... This section is for vanilla servers (Network) Also it would be useful for the staff to know your username for a refund
  10. Hey thank you for your post. I wish @brunyman reads this! About CTW, I hope it will get updated soon to fix some bugs. About 1.8 I think that the only server that should be lowered to that version is CTW, other servers should still get updated in my opinion. Why? Well for example 1.16 in AC will bring a ton of new blocks for builders to build new stuff and parkours for example, but this is just my opinion. I do agree we need to do something and I hope we will, we have some things in our minds but your feedback is really useful for us, so thank you!
  11. Woooow, that is just beautiful! Thank you ?
  12. Hey what server are you talking about? Please remember this forum section is for Network (vanilla servers), Modded has its own section with each server. If its a modded one, Ill move the post.
  13. Moved from Network to SF4. Please remember next time that network section is for vanilla servers, you have a modded section in which you can find each modded server. Thanks!
  14. I dont think that is a good idea as it will break economy, moreover with this dupping issues. But I agree we need to do something with Pure economy. If you guys have ideas of what we could do, let us know! (we have some in our minds but we want to know from you guys)
  15. Hey thanks, we will look at your suggestion. We actually want some ideas to add new stuff to Pure! One question though, isnt really really really hard to get that amount of money in PS? I was told that the economy was extremely hard (ofc considering that you didnt get the money with illegal methods...) 100k = 12.5k emmeralds So in summary, I like this idea to add new kits or stuff to PS. If someone has more, please share them
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