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Lexylelelele last won the day on April 17 2018

Lexylelelele had the most liked content!

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    Getting rich

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Lexylelelele's Achievements

Diamond Miner

Diamond Miner (12/26)



  1. Granted, but you are only clinically dead for 4 days, afterwards you wake up in your own coffin, buried in the cemetery and you cannot escape. I wish for more than 40 players online on PureSurvival at any given time.
  2. Granted, but because you changed a fix point in human history, your ancestor line no longer exists, therefore you no longer exist. I wish I had more muscle.
  3. please do not ignore me I'm just a kid who wants to play porfa and I'm noob I want to learn and that's why the gm are to help not to ban for the last chance damela plz only that I wait for you in porpocrat minecrat and rrespondeme


  4. Thank you so much for reducing my ban :D I will never use the Hidden blade in spawn again I promise. 

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ktnrKG8uq4
  6. Granted, but you get scurvy (that can't be cured). I want to have /vanish IRL.
  7. Live life your way! My IGN is Lexylelelele

  8. Live life your way! My IGN is Lexbahnic

  9. Live life your way!

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