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quagma last won the day on October 27 2017

quagma had the most liked content!

About quagma

  • Birthday March 21

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    PM me on forums for discord info if you actually really need it.

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
  • Interests
    i make webcomics and art, and my website is at www.superheroesonly.weebly.com or https://superheroesonly.tumblr.com/, take a look.

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quagma's Achievements

  1. Account Name: quagma Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands^: world edit, /top, /day and /night Reason for Request*: world edit for building things and filling in holes that make my base look ugly, and /top so i can get out of caves without getting lost for hours, and /day and /night so that sleeping is unnecessary or i don't have to wait for specific times for progression in various mods.
  2. Placing down a fully charged energy battery (obtained from one of the legendary or mystic chests) crashes the server. In my case, placing it right next to an ME Controller has caused a crash the two times i tried to place it down. Have not tested yet to see if the ME controller is important or not, would need to see if just putting it down is the issue, and not because of any connections. May want to look into that.
  3. Problem fixed after log out and server restart.
  4. While messing around, I placed a few chunk loaders while in creative mode, and destroyed them. While it accepted me as having placed the loaders, and registered them, when the loaders where destroyed, either in creative mode or in survival (thus breaking the blocks and disappearing them), it never deregistered the chunkloaders. Placing more and destroying them in creative or survival did not fix the issue. Now I have the issue where i have only one chunkloader placed, yet i also have 4 loaders registered. No idea what's going on, someone should look into that, see if they can fix that or fix me having only the one loader available.
  5. Granted, but all become deaf in your presence. I wish I had a pet dinosaur.
  6. I forgot to start off the chain, so here goes: I wish I knew how to fix anything.
  7. What's this? You've got a genie in your newly purchased vintage lamp! You may ask for a wish, but be warned, this genie will take advantage of your wording and intent, and twist his monkey's paw to make one hilarious misinterpretation of your wish! Be prepared to suffer the consequences of your actions! RULES: Respond to the previous posters wish, and twist it however you like. Post the consequences of the wish-gone-bad, and then make your own wish. Be nice to each other, don't get personal, and above all, have fun!
  8. now everything is attracted to you. including giant metal objects, planets, and elephants. I wish i could control atomic reactions.
  9. Granted, but you'll realize you should have wished for something different. I wish I had super speed.
  10. do you have a minecraft development section?

    1. quagma


      please never post directly on profiles for direct messaging. use the direct messaging feature instead. and no, we don't have a development section.

  11. Granted, but it's made of wood. I wish I could connect to the internet with my mind
  12. Granted, but you can never leave the ocean again. I wish I could use heat and cold vision
  13. Granted, but it's called SPONGE API, and basically sucks. I wish for laser vision.
  14. Granted, but the earth explodes five minutes after you get the rank. I wish i could explode things with my mind.
  15. hey plz help me im natalka_13 town name Control and my inv is full of me drives and backpacks and loot can u plz move it out of my inv and into a chest or idk just anythink if u cant do anythink just clear my inv plz . ive been trying to get on for a hour now

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Natalka


      hey ur my fav so can u read my post yes i listenened to u yes its on the forums and i dont know what u mean about well this whole chat is weird rn 

    3. quagma


      Just stop posting on my status, and we'll be good.

    4. Natalka


      ok i will stop so hey ill be waiting on my post :D i hope u see it cause ur staff with 5 stars

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