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Everything posted by JeyTee84

  1. Hey guys not whining or anything just reporting that today the lag got pretty bad. The TPS seems stable at 20 at all times but we are getting huge lag spikes more and more frequently. Also it does not really get better after restarts anymore. Any chance we get some level of fix? Maybe bruny could do his woodoomagic and fix it with a spell. Would be super great. Thanks for everyones work
  2. JeyTee84

    End ores

  3. So there are no chunkloaders but the player is also only loading about 24 blocks away wich is pretty short imo :/ Here's a vid of my pretty close pumpjacks not pumping to the destillation tover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRMi7ZEMn_k Could the Chunk loading lenght be a bit extended maybe? :)
  4. That moment when after all the strugle on your laptop you finally build your gaming desktop pc and you start up feed the beast and it doesn't even log in. And then the other moment when you install it this way and it runs and you get a quite smooth 400+ fps on ultra.... :D :D
  5. Short and simple guide on how to start the game: 1. Download the FTB Launcher from HackPhoenix's site: https://www.hackphoenix.com/feed-the-beast Direct download link (for Windows 64bit) 2. Start the launcher, chose an installation directory (like C:\FTB), chose the FTB modpacks menu, than "FTB Presents Direwolf20", chose recommended (top line), create a profile (bottom line) and click Launch. (recomended: In the FTB launcher, go to options and set the RAM slider to the half of your PC-s ram. If you have 8GB set it to 4GB) 3. Wait for it to download. When it's done, start the game, and join ftb.craftersland.net 4. Enjoy! ____________________________________________ Resource pack instalation: 0. Chose a texture pack from the FTB launcher from the Maps & Tectures menu, or... 1. Download a texturepack from js-legacy.net or www.f32.me or somewhere else. Direct download link (MC v1.7.10) 2. Start Direwolf20, go to options, resource packs, open resource pack folder, drag and drop the downloaded .zip file. 3. Set the resource pack and enjoy the smooth look! ______________________________________________ I hope it'll help. Have a good day! JeyTee84
  6. Short and simple guide on how to start the game: 1. Download the Technic Launcher from HackPhoenix's site: www.hackphoenix.com/technic-launcher Direct download link (v4.0 for Windows 64bit) 2. Start the launcher, chose the modpacks menu, than tekkit and click install. 3. When it's done, start the game, and join tekkit.craftersland.net:25567 4. Enjoy! ______________________________________________ Resource pack instalation: (John Smith or Faithful 32) 1. Download a texturepack from js-legacy.net or www.f32.me Direct download link (MC v1.6.4) 2. Start tekkit, go to options, resource packs, open resource pack folder, drag and drop the downloaded .zip file. 3. Set the resource pack and enjoy the smooth look! ______________________________________________ I hope it'll help. Have a good day! JeyTee84
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