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Jimmel last won the day on September 9 2024

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About Jimmel

  • Birthday 04/19/2000

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  1. That's how it's supposed to work. You can use the latest client version (1.19) to join the lobby, as well as our other servers that are running on older versions of MC. It doesn't change anything on the server itself, so it'll remain as is.
  2. Hi everyone! It's no secret that we've spent the last few months working on a new factions server that will be the latest addition to our vanilla network. Seeing as most of you voted for MC version 1.8, we've been adapting our ideas and content to fit this old -but gold!- standard. Now, while 1.8 is a tried and tested version that's been out for a very long time, it does come with its own set of limitations in terms of design, infrastructure and range of new content that we're able to implement. DISCLAIMER Technically, this is a BETA RELEASE, so it's likely that you will encounter bugs or inconsistencies along the way. Please be sure to report any issues so that we're able to improve. In the event that a major issue comes up that affects the server's stability, player and/or economy data could be wiped as part of the fixing process. With all that out of the way, allow me to introduce you to some of the key features of our new factions server. Extra features will be added over time based on player feedback and suggestions, while some of them (for example, kits) are currently in the works. ------------------------ What's running behind the scenes? At the heart of our server is a powerful factions plugin that comes with all the bells and whistles you've come to expect from a setup like this. Forge your very own faction and run it the way you like with an integrated, robust permissions system that allows for fine grained control over your faction members and the actions they are allowed to perform. Manage your faction money and TNT banks, create virtual faction chests, warps, missions and much more with ease. We've made a separate mini-guide topic here to help you get started with all the basic faction commands. Warps: A new way to travel Before we get into what warps are, let me give you a bit of context and explain why we're calling this 'SkyFactions'. Basically, our main map consists of several large islands that come in all different shapes, sizes, biomes and custom terrain configuratons. As you can imagine, with over 25 different islands spread across the whole map, traversing the skylands is no easy feat. Even though most of the islands are relatively close to each other and not crazy hard to reach, you're probably going to need a more efficient way to move around. A major component of the new server that was quite complex and time consuming to implement is our custom warp setup that provides convenient access to about half the islands. There are a total of 12 warps set up (one for each of the biggest islands on the map), which you can access through our selector gui with /ws. Eight (8) of them (for the 4 biggest islands - 2 warps per island) are available to all players by default, while the rest of them can be unlocked via donor ranks (incrementally), or by getting yourself a Traveller's Pass. What is a Traveller's Pass, you ask? It's basically your golden ticket that gives you full access to all warps. It can be purchased from our store or unlocked in-game using a token (rare crate reward) + cash combination. One of our future goals is to provide more in-game methods of getting access to premium convenience warps. Some screenshots: Other features include: Future implementations include: Custom rewards for raids, kills, as well as custom mobs A designated area for server PvP events! Other cool stuff based on your suggestions Note: If you're a donator with a network (global) rank (Network VIP/Premium/Sponsor/Sponsor+), you should submit a re-activation request (following the template provided) in order to have your rank activated in SkyFactions. Server ranks (VIP and Premium) will also be available to purchase in our store very soon.
  3. Due to the lack of official documentation on commands for the Factions plugin that's used on our network, we thought it would be a good idea to make our own list of available commands to make things easier for everyone. Keep in mind that, depending on how the permissions are set up within the faction, some of the following commands (even basic or extra ones) could be restricted to certain faction ranks. Basic commands: /f map - Shows status and availability of your surroundings, like safezones or warzones, claimed or unclaimed chunks. /f list - Shows a full list of currently active factions on the server. /f who (Tag) - Use the output from /f list to get more information on a specific faction. /f create (Tag), /f tag (NewTag), /f desc (Desc) - Create a faction, update its tag and description. /f show - Information about your faction. /f sethome, /f home - Set a faction home and teleport to it. /f setwarp, /f warp - Set a warp for your faction and teleport to it. /f join (Tag) - Join the specified faction. /f chat <faction|mod|alliance|truce|public> - Different chat channels. /f bank - Faction economy commands, like adding, removing, transfering money, etc. Member management commands: (leader only) /f open <yes|no|flip> - Defines whether or not a player needs an invite to join your faction. By default, this option is set to no, meaning a closed faction. Be very careful when setting your faction to open, as anyone could join it and cause all sorts of problems without a proper permission system in place. (more on permissions at the end of the post) /f ban, /f unban, /f kick (Player) - Ban, unban or kick players from your faction. /f banlist - Lists banned players. /f coleader, /f leader (Player)- Promote one of your faction members to co-Leader, or transfer ownership of your faction(!) /f mod (Player) - Promote one of your members to faction moderator. /f promote (Player) - Automatically promote members to the next available faction rank. Extra commands: /f title (Player) (Prefix) - Set a custom prefix for one of your members (only shown in faction-specific chat channels). /f coords - Broadcast your coordinates to your faction members. /f weewoo <start|stop> - Set off an alarm to let all members know that your faction is being raided! /f chest - Opens up a GUI for a shared faction chest. /f checkpoint set, /f checkpoint - Set a checkpoint for your faction and teleport to it. /f lowpower - Displays a list of faction members whose power is under the maximum (10). /f showclaims - Shows claimed land. /f missions - Show and edit faction objectives. /f points - Check your points balance. /f upgrade - Upgrade various aspects of your faction. /f tnt, /f tnt add (amount) - Check your faction TNT balance or add to the TNT bank. /f tntfill (radius) (amount) - Automatically fill all dispensers within the specified range with the specified amount of TNT. /f invsee - Access a faction member's inventory. Requires a Premium or higher rank Setting up faction permissions: (leader only) Faction leaders are responsible for setting up permissions for each one of their internal ranks (Recruit/Member/Moderator/co-Leader), as well as their relationships with other factions (truce/ally/enemy/neutral). By default, permissions are on the stricter side, with everything being denied for ranks lower than Moderator, as well as for all faction relationship groups. However, it's up to you to make any changes you like and run your faction the way you want. To update permissions, you're going to use the /f perms command. Thanks to its user-friendly GUI, setting up permissions for your faction members is a breeze.
  4. @Almytie Can you please confirm that this has been fixed?
  5. Apparently, your character is glitched on AC for some reason. Looking into it.
  6. Hi, Apparently there was a complete server reset last night. That's why your inventory was empty. The server is also now running on MC 1.19. T/C
  7. Hi, Apparently there was a complete server reset last night. That's why your inventory was empty. The server is also now running on MC 1.19. T/C
  8. Hi, Due to the complexity of AC's database and in order to keep everything running smoothly, player data is automatically wiped after 3 months of inactivity. As such, this would be considered normal behavior. Anyway, we will attempt a rollback if we can find backup files from around that time. Updates will be posted on this thread. Update: Turns out there was a full server reset - data wipe in preparation for the 1.19 update, so there will be no rollback. Topic closed.
  9. Hi, what server are we talking about here? And what launcher are you using? Any other error messages (like when trying to join) that might help us identify the issue?
  10. Looks awesome!
  11. Duplicate of: T/C
  12. Moved to Tekkit Suggestions.
  13. Hi there, Due to this being a manual process, it can sometimes take slighly longer than 48h. Brunyman will eventually get to it and apply the reward as indicated. I'll be moving this thread to a more fitting subforum - IE General. We appreciate your understanding.
  14. I've already done the refund. T/C
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