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ItsIsma29R || Official

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About ItsIsma29R || Official

  • Birthday 05/01/1997

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    Islas Cachondas

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  1. @Powerwarp @brunyman, if you really don't need my idea or my help. Please close this post.
  2. Please.. Read this post and vote. Thank you
  3. Hello everyone! I will try to make this as shot and summarized as possible. --------------------------------------------------------------- Since the 1.4.7 version I began to dedicate myself to the creation of Bukkit servers. My motivation has always been to open a Minecraft server and little by little people were joining. I paid my first host when they launched the 1.5.2 version and started making my server. The server entered an average of 50 users daily and gradually tried to go to more.. As time went on, we couldn't get donations, so the server closed and then we lost all of our files. (My server was hosted on a Web page "Fluctis") In version 1.7 A "friend" sold us a cheap VPS and after the time we stole all our files, including the massive destruction of all our settings in Putty and Filezilla.. Our depression went to more and we didn't decide to do any more servers. In full update 1.8.X I returned to get in touch he with my friends and decided to buy a VPS of much more quality. We had to save a little between everything and with the help of our parents we managed to buy a VPS (16GB RAM) Little by little we grew and reaching 80 users daily. The server also closed for lack of donations and we could not afford to have to pay monthly all the money that the host asked us. (We were all minors). Now we've all grown up and we're adults. We work, study, we won our own money, etc.. 1 month ago we decided to buy 1 VPS. We have created our own Network, but it is hard to grow in the Minecraft Community. As there are much better servers. My friend has plans to close it. But I want to continue or do something with the VPS, which is what I paid for it. --------------------------------------------------------------- - I have a VPS 64gb RAM (GNU/Linux - Ubuntu) - I have a 60% experience with Putty SSH. http://prntscr.com/fh8enz - I have access to editing files from Filezilla. http://prntscr.com/fh8f4s --------------------------------------------------------------- I have long been on your server, as a player and as a member of the Staff. And I come to comment on this little idea: - My VPS join to you. Create a couple of new game-modes for the server CraftersLand, with the name of CraftersLand Network. - Create some very play mode played in the Communities of Minecraft. For example: BedWars, TeamSkyWars, FullPvP, SpeedRun, BuildBattle, etc. - Maintain the ranks and colors of CraftersLand (Member, VIP, Premium, P+, Sponsor, S+ and Staff ranks) - In those game-modes, all CraftersLand Staff will maintain their ranks as well as donor users - Just as we will also keep our ranks my Administrator and I. - The ranks of these game-modes will be purchased through the CraftersLand store. craftersland.buycraft.net - We don't need any money. This we only do to improve CraftersLand and be able to continue in this server. - The game-modes created will respect the EULA. https://account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula - All game-modes created, will be translated in English and Spanish. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/api-languages.22305/ or https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/advanced-multi-language.21338/ - On the server there will be automatic messages with links to the Web, Forums and Store. - Most game-modes will only be accessible from version 1.8.X --------------------------------------------------------------- All this is to be able to continue giving use to my VPS and not leave it lying. If you think I'm forgetting something, please let me know in a comment. Thank you for reading! #ForABetterServer
  4. can there be a clan or town forum for direwolf20

  5. isma ayudame porfabor la cuenta de brichuu me la rovaron tu sabes quien soy yo asi que porfabor me podrias pasar el link para ir a hacer el post en esa cuenta estube mucho tiempo jugando consiguiendo materiales porfabor ayudame cualquier cosas contactame en mi skipe Brichu:V foto de minecraft porfabor ayudame 

    Isma help me byfabor brichuu account me rovaron you know who I am so porfabor you could pass the link to go to make the post in that account I was a long time playing getting materials porfabor help me any things contact me in my skipe Brichu: V foto From minecraft please help me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ItsIsma29R || Official

      ItsIsma29R || Official

      Hola BriChu, me quede sin monitor y no puedp acceder al PC. Entra en la seccion de NETWORK SERVERS y busca la pestaña que ponga Technical Support. Un saludo

    3. firseroxd


      gracias te digo a ti porque eres el unico staff que habla español bueno que conosco :D

      y si zengz es staff serias el segundo :v



    4. ZengZ


      No te preocupes Firse para eso estamos, Ayudar.

  6. Hey, excuse me, could you take my ip ban? I want to play Assassin.
    Please just block the survival

    1. ZengZ


      Hey Shichubukai, you arent ip-banned. you are just ban for Duped iteams in PS.

    2. shichibukai


      So how do I get into Assassin?

      I want to come in but I notice the ban announcement

  7. Hola, tengo un problema, no puedo entrar a Craftersland, me dice que ya estoy dentro y no es así. Que puedo hacer? Soy SrtaMoore_

    1. ItsIsma29R || Official

      ItsIsma29R || Official

      Hola SrtaMoore_!
      No entiendo que es lo que está sucediendo ahora mismo con los servidores. Lo único que puedo decirte es que pruebes a entrar pasados unos minutos, ya que puede haber sido un simple error de Restart. Si el error es continuo, prueba a entrar pasadas unas horas entonces. 

      Un saludo!

  8. itsisma me baneaste por tener un objeto duplicado,me an dicho eso en una pregunta que e echo,no sabia que era ilegal.

    esto se puede prevenir de alguna forma la proxima ves?

    para que no vuelva a pasar

  9. Isma, mira esto, lo cache hoy, estaba haciendo spam a lo loco e insultando.


  10. ENGLISH: I will make this post both in English and in Spanish. - Are you tired of being poor on the server? I made this video for all users who want to get quick money to improve your home's survival, buy armor, etc.. This method is mine.. There will be many methods different to this. But I use this and he use to get many things. ESPAÑOL: Voy a hacer este post en Ingés y en Español. - ¿Estás cansado de ser pobre en el servidor? Hice este ídeo para todos los usuarios que quieren conseguir dinero rápido para mejorar su casa de survival, comprar armaduras, etc.. Este método es mio.. Habrá muchos métodos diferentes para esto. Pero yo uso este y lo uso para muchas cosas. VIDEO:
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