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Closing down Direwolf20 1.10.2 Server? What should take it's place? Vote!


Direwolf20 1.10.2 shutdown vote pool.  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we close down our FTB Direwolf20 1.10.2 server? If yes what should take it's place?

    • NO! Don't close it down, we still want to play on it!
    • YES. Close it down and let's replace with a new modded server, I suggested one in this topic.
    • YES. Let's replace it with FTB Revelation 1.12.2 modpack!
    • I don't care, just show me the results.

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  • Founder

Hello guys,

The FTB Direwolf20 1.10.2 server has very little to no players so as we already have the Direwolf20 1.12.2 server open I don't think there is still a point into keeping and maintaining the DW 1.10 server online. So we are thinking of possible replacements for it. Please vote above and let us now what you think. 

Current DW20 1.10.2 server stats: http://minecraft-mp.com/server/167799/stats/

We are thinking to replace it with FTB Revelation 1.12.2 Modpack, read more about it here: https://www.feed-the-beast.com/projects/ftb-revelation

IF you think we should replace it with something else please reply to this topic.


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  • Founder
1 minute ago, SuperHeal said:

I recommend to replace with that https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/enigmatica2expert  or normal enigmatica, here is a one type of expert packs, why not add more? is cool and make more longer progression, and make to players stay on server a long time to finish game.

Interesting one, thanks, at the end of the vote we will have a new vote pool and then vote all suggested modpacks

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12 hours ago, Terminator said:

My suggestion is Project Ozone Lite.

Project Ozone 2 is prefered but it is very heavy weight for a multiplayer server. The lite version is basically Project Ozone with least mods possible to make it Lighter for servers.

I agree. Its a light pack, easy on servers, and very fun! :D 

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i agree with akaelite a project ozone 2 or project ozone lite server would be pretty neat (recommended mode kappa) although exactly like he stated ozone 2 is quite heavy under any conditions most notably late game where their loads of machines and farms, but if possible it would be fantastic to see an ozone 2 or ozone lite server.

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Revelation. :) It's like Direwolf 12 but a little different and better, garage doors would be cool in the pack and seemed to run smoother, also a more of a popular pack. Compared to some mentioned ones that aren't as common and a server population is what you want, right :)


~Just my two cents

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I don't understand why all of you vote for the revelation pack. Why would you want to play it since there's already a dw20 pack.

This pack, compared to the dw20 pack, doesn't add any real modifications (aside for a few mods here and there which again, they don't do much).

It's basically the same modpack except it has a few mods that dw20 doesn't.

I get that it's a popular one, but the players will probably quit playing on the dw20 to play on the revelation.

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