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Rotomegax The Cube Builder

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Rotomegax The Cube Builder last won the day on February 21 2017

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  1. But consider if BoP turned off do we have a sea of mushroom island like when Inf server released?
  2. Hi, I used to make Mekanism turbine but sometimes it turns wierd. The entire chamber be filled with steam but the turbine not working even though I pumped out all of steam so I have to break it. How can you solve that problem?
  3. I think server should wipe to attract new players. The last time I logged in only me on the server.
  4. Confirmed, my base has the same issue which ruined entire base because all of my energy transportation system is fluxducts
  5. Its very annoying that the daily rewards will start 24h cooldown when you received it. Sometimes like when server just beginning or wipe I cannot start at right time to F5 like crazy to see if the cooldown time is finished. Usually after the first day on the next day the time when I received rewards is 30 min or 1h later because of many reasons, it lead to the fact that during a week I cannot take all daily rewards because the cooldown slowly slip into the time I cannot only anymore. Please set the reset daily reward at a fixed time like 0h of GMT for more convenient for receive it, thank you very much
  6. Happy new year, you have done a wonderful effort to maintain all servers. Could you and the staff considered try to fix some bugs like the water tank bug in infinity evolved please?
  7. The play offline option is broke too, when I login to server it transfer my account to "player"
  8. Does it added now? Server is going to wipe and this is the best chance to add it
  9. Thanks, I've increased it to 8GB. By somehow craftersland launcher always set memory to default 4gb whenever I turned it off
  10. Today when I login to game I got crash game continously and got this crash log, can someone analyze it and tell me what's wrong and does the bug is so serious so that you have to reinstall the modpack? Because this modpack is extremely heavy, reinstall it with my internet cost a lot of time to complete https://paste.dimdev.org/emuxefukez.mccrash
  11. I agree, sometimes immersive cables disappeared, its really pain if the cable disappeared is HV cable
  12. Yeah, it depend on Brunyman. But its better to have something to load my base when I'm hunting ores or travel far away from my base
  13. But that mean when you are not in the base (like on the space or mining or have to move to the next chunk), machines will be unloaded. Also it force you to build everything that most convenient for you so that you will not unload any chunks, in that case is put everything on the edge of the middle chunk or on the middle chunk
  14. So if sv wipe, we can start space station normally, don't need to follow the guide posted on guide box anymore?
  15. I guess wipe will come soon, because this is the end of April and the wipe when x4 vote rewards are best start for everyone
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