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  1. I second this the world is used up nothing new to explore or find
  2. This is the fix for that from the Creators of McEternal on their official discord it blows up chat constantly Set this to false to stop death messages of named mobs: config\cofh\core\common.cfg B:EnableGenericDeathMessage=true
  3. The server was recently wiped on purpose gotta start over
  4. The end Portal at spawn is broke can't enter it at all
  5. Thats pretty cool looks like it took forever
  6. I second this
  7. The updated craftersland launcher dosnt have the option to play offline so us who play cracked modded servers cant use it EDIT: Fixed Thread can be closed
  8. I agree a gold ingot isnt hard to get
  9. Nvm got it hahah old base forgot to unclaim
  10. Yes nothing here I'm at those cords my base is x: 1591 z: 1032 y:64
  11. Your Name: Toddishere Item Name + Amount: 8 wyvern fusion thingys 18 wyvern core 35 draconic core 12 or 13 nether starsCoordinates (format x, y, z): N/A will update when I can log inCoordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: Description of Issue: Been having DC issues lately I was working on about to set up my wyvern fusion thing and upgrade my stuff to draconic well I was at my me i right click on it and start putting stuff in but nothing was going in after clicking then I get DC after about 10 min of trying to log in finally made it looked in me none of it was there and some of my invo was gone now I cant even get in to check coordinates so a tp to spawn would be great too incase something in my base is corruptScreenshots (Optional)
  12. Mods feel free to clean this up Since the restart for DW20 1.12 ive had issues of not being able to enter the nether the end or any place other than the overworld id load and it would kick with a java error ive have various different ones what i did to fix was update java use HackPhoenix ftb launcher and NO Optifine im not sure which of these has caused the issue but im not sure if related i noticed the craftersland launcher not properly allocating ram it defautls at 1gb min and 2gb max need to bump that all the way to a respectable amount i find that 6gb to 8gb anytime i load the launcher but im pretty sure optifine is the thing causing the issue here is my crash report for anyone that can help https://pastebin.com/NCWNKFLW
  13. This is Feed the Beast here are the download links Premium (a.k.a. Paid account): http://ftb.cursecdn.com/FTB2/launcher/FTB_Launcher.exe Non-Premium (As the servers are cracked): https://www.hackphoenix.com/feed-the-beast/ Edit: Note the cracked version of the launcher is known to have some bugs and crashes when using a resource pack Also note on very rare occasions the cracked launcher can be glitchy download the game via the Cracked Launcher and port to MultiMc fixes issues some people have Here is a more detailed guide for those who dont lurk the forums before asking questions Works for all Ftb mods DW20 1.7 1.10 Skyfactory, and Infinity
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