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Coasterrider1 last won the day on September 17 2014

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About Coasterrider1

  • Birthday 07/29/1996

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    somewhere in holland
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    looking for other nice buidlings
    to be creative
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  1. so we all khow about thaumcraft but it can be a little frustrating to get around it so here is a tutorial about how to thaumcraft 1 the start first up before you start with thaumcraft the first thing you need is 2 iron and a stick for a wand use the iron to make iron nuggets and use the nuggets to make wand caps (same crafting as a helmet except with nuggets) then put the wand caps on the stick in a crafting table in Diagonal patron Grtz you crafted your first wand but you need more, a book case in fact who you can ether get form those poor villagers or craft one yourself (Check NEI...there are more ways to craft a book then the normal one) once you got your book case place it down and click on it with your wand this will spawn the mighty Thaumonomicon which you can use to do research and to continue becoming a greater wizard after those 2 there is only one thing you need still a scanner (or as the mod calls it a "Thaumometer") which you can use to scan everything (blocks, mobs, players) (and mess around with players based on what the scanner says what aspects they have) this being the first steps but to be sure also try to make a arcane worktable (table and click on it with your wand) and a research table (2 tables placed against each other and then click it with a Scribing tool) you can now continue on to bigger thing Things to do craft a wand 2. make the Thaumonomicon 3. make a scanner 4. scan everything (some things cant be scanned unless you have atleast discovered one of its aspects) 5. make a research table and a arcane worktable 2 research with your new book you can preform research and unlock new stuff (but be sure you got enough paper) as you open the book for the first time you can see there isnt alot in it but we can change that by preforming the first research per research the book will fill up more and more but some research do need a other step aswell before you can use it if you try to research a research like that it will give you a Note which you can take to your research table the research will have 2 to 3 aspects already placed...its your job to connect it with each other with a Compatable aspacts (lux and ignis make a great comby) but also you need aspect points to fill in which you can get by scanning stuff Or make them with other aspects (water and ground make life and life and ground makes plants Etc) Think logicly you might noted there are several shapes of research in your book each of those shapes represent what it does for your book Circle: Freebies (mostly) Square: gives a research note which you can fully unlock by solving its puzzle hexagon: same as square but marks the end point of a given research Spiked Square: Same as square but also Unlocks research in the book shapes with Black clouds: Forbidden khowage that can give warp to a player if researched or preformed while your go around scanning if you find a greatwood tree take some of it with you as you can craft a better wand with it but you need some gold aswell to you also gonna need to research and place a Crucible with some heat under it things to do Scan everything 2. combine aspects and Discover new ones 3. Preform research 4. get futher into the book 3 Nodes and magical things as you went around to scan everything you might have seen Glowing orbs of diffrent colors those are nodes which have diffrent things to do with them such as power and type Power Bright: regains aspect points faster Normal: just normal pale: regains aspect points slower Fading: a destroyed node. regains No aspect points tus are useless for mass recharging Type normal: nothing special sinister: doubles as a mob spawner Hunger: Blackhole node which sucks in everything to refill its aspects and very dangerous to players https://imgur.com/a/aVF09 Tainted: spreads Taint which is can be dangerous and will convurt closeby nodes to a tainted one Pure: Nodes that are pure and mostly found in Silverwood trees unstable: can randomly change in a other aspect they can have diffrent aspects and can be used to charge your wand with or to can be used in a other way before you use a node to charge your wand make sure you have the completed the research "Node Preserver" this way you can charge your wand without the node disappearing (as some people ignore warnings that they need that research cause they constandly keep destroying Great nodes) make sure your wand has 11 points of Each aspects and then you can make a new and better wand (which doesnt have the increased cost to craft or use spells with or the ability to destroy nodes) with your new and better wand you can do more then just the starter wand can do you can preform more research such as nitor and Alumentum which need to be researched to continue form this point you can research a Infusion altar and essentia Distillation (which is needed for infusion) when you research both of it you should first make a Essentia chamber and alot of jars to fill the most easyest way to make alot of essentia is a chamber like this beware though you need alot of coal or fuel to make essentia before you do make essentia (for first times make a silverwood wand) make sure which blocks or items you need to make the required Essentia if you have everything to make the essentia to preform infusion (the essentia needed for infusion is descriped in the items page) You are needed a Infusion altar once you have the setup of the infusion altar ready...just wave your Full Greatwood wand at the Runic matrix and it will become a infusion altar the easyest setup should be this (minus the jars and items) just before you make a Even better wand search for some silver wood tree and take atleast 3 logs of it (you need 2 logs later) before you wanna infuse Look in your book for the item you want to make by infusion (in this case a Silverwood wand) place down ALL the items it asks for on the pedestals serrounding the altar and also Place down the Essentia (in jars) within 5 blocks of the altar and the item that is gonna be infused has to be on the Middle pedestal Under the Matrix once everything is done you can start infusion by using your wand on the matrix the altar will first take the required Essentia and Then it will take in the items needed if succesfull you have a rod in the middle pedestal which you can use to make a Even better wand using wandcaps (i suggest atleast a golden caps) things to do Find a node 2. charge your wand 3. make a better wand 4. research and make a essentia room 5. research and make a Infusion altar 6. get everything done to preform infusion with 7. infuse 4 SPELLS and charge now that you got your silverwood wand ready now you can capture nodes in jars to take them home and use them to recharge for here you are gonna need the Research "Node in a jar" and "Node stabilizer" the stabilizer will allow a node to have a protective shield around it to prevent it being drained by other nodes and the node in a jar allows taking a node and place it somewhere else (cauntion though that a node Can be damaged if you put it in a node and such only try to do so with Bright or normal nodes) to take it make a enlarged jar with glass and wooden slabs like this then you need atleast 70 Aspect of EACH aspect to click on the Node which will shrink the jar and allows you to take the jar with the node (the node is frozen inside so it will not do anything) then place it at home where you can release it with a simple click of your wand after you placed the jar but it also allows to get nodes on there stabilizers and turn the stabilizers on Also you can also craft spells for use with your wand using the wands aspects to preform them this are the spells this are all the spells and this is a start tutorail for people who still have problems with it Fire: Sends a cone of fire forward , short range but lights target on fire, the first spell to unlock Frost: Sends a "unkhown" form of ice forward, midrange and can do Heavy damage, unlocked after the fire spell Excavation: Mines blocks pointed at, unlocked after the fire spell lighting: fires a bolt of GIGAWATTS at the target equal trade: select a block with it and then click on other blocks which will change to the selected block in your inventory while droping a changed block to pickup,usefull to make rooms underground Warding: clicks on a block to give it rune shields making them unbreakable tus makes great protection against grieving or dumb friends, its personal so other people cant see or ward blocks you warded already, this can also annoy friends alot as they cant mine the block or enter rooms hellfire: summons a hellfire bat which will follow the target and attack them for some seconds,Forbidden khowlage Ninehells: honestly i dont khow but it is Strong Pech: trows a missle to your target which will be debuffed by random if it hits,cant be crafted, can be found by mobs called Pechs primal: trows a "unkhown" form of energy which explodes if it hits something, Destroys blocks aswell, Forbidden khowlage
  2. So Busy on school and work

  3. Crafting the Minecraft worlds :D

  4. can i just have a normal game?...one without cheaters who destory the base in one hit ...no?...why me? -_-

  5. sounds good i really like this idea
  6. some jerks made me mad :(

  7. Hey i got a new profile picture

  8. having the alldays modpack :D

  9. having the alldays modpack :D

  10. being under dehydration... -_-

  11. can somebody pls do a name transfer

  12. i just start playing skyfactory

  13. being 57 of the netherlands in NFSW :D

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