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MeJorge last won the day on September 4 2018

MeJorge had the most liked content!

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    Jorge Lérida Caballero

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  • Location:
    In your heart <3
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Diamond Miner

Diamond Miner (12/26)



  1. MeJorge

    Missed me ?

    Network Server (Ac v1, Factions, etc.) : AC In-Game Nickname : MeJorge Nickname of the one you are complaining about : 1) Luistern 2) RigCrack 3) cholaso35 4) joadr 5) AngoPala Description of the situation : 1) Insult 2-5) Spawn camping Screenshots/Video Proof (Required) : https://imgur.com/a/wqgdm9i https://imgur.com/a/FJesYsi
  2. I like it more than the one we have, it is a little bit boring, but the one you made is cooler! :D
  3. A string goes into a bar And the bartender (wich is a rope) says: We don't serve to your kind So the string leaves the bar and twists itself The string comes back twisted The bartender says: Aren't you the same guy from a minute ago? The string says: I'm a frayed knot Yeah, that's all
  4. Granted, but that person will die after you make love with him/her/it I want my next wish to have no consequences...
  5. Granted, but in 10 years you'll break your legs and you wont be able to fix them I want to be a star (literally a star, the sun)
  6. Granted, but it's frozen forever, so you can't make it coffee again My wish is something to say here :v
  7. WOoooow i cant wait to play it ! nice work with that, you do it great
  8. Hey Marcelol, ZengZ banned me and i made a unban request, she accepted but she didn't unban me, can you please?

    Here is the post:


    1. MarceLOL
    2. MeJorge


      wtf i thought he was a girl XD thnx


  9. Hey terminator would you answer my unban rewuest or must ZengZ answer it? becouse i think he'll answer it after i get unbanned :v

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MeJorge


      :c can you tell ZengZ or something?

    3. Terminator


      Sure, but i dont know when he will see my message.

    4. MeJorge


      I thought he was a girl :u

  10. Marcelol about my report, if you look for jatoba555 you'll see that he's banned becouse of hacks, i think it's very probable that he's the same player

    1. MarceLOL


      I checked his ip and I saw nothing :s 

    2. MeJorge
  11. alex sub x sub sigueme yo te sigo >:v



  12. argas sigueme mala persona :v



  13. Who paied at the end? u :D


  14. Cuadroto, que he hecho? :c

  15. Zyko, in CTW (Clay lane) There's a hacker doing ban evade, please, come and ban him, he's spamming and it's annoying

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