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Everything posted by Kaszanka_1234

  1. Hello, you've been banned because the server was crashing the moment you logged in. After investigating i've found a corrupted chunk near your location which was causing the server to hang up. The chunk was deleted and you were unbanned. I apologize for the inconvenience. T/C
  2. i assume "world spike" is supposed to be world anchor. refunded to player in game protip: ender quarry chunkloads it's own chunk and the chunk it's mining, adding a chunkloader to it is redundant because even the world anchor doesn't load itself after server restart.
  3. As HappyN0x said it can be made in the crafting grid using metal dusts and bucket of destabilized redstone, this recipe can be automated using ME fluid asseblers. Energetic alloy recipe was added because the only other alternative is buggy alloy smelter which is inconsistent and borderline unsuitable for automation and arc furnace, which is hard to fully automate because of the needed arc furnace electrodes. Signalum doesn't have such issues and is easy to automate, the recipe won't be added.
  4. Spells are banned because a lot of the spell combinations can be used for griefing, not only the particle generator. It's a niche feature which is not needed for progression and can be mostly replaced with other things. All spells will remain banned. T/C
  5. Forum only has VIP rank for all ranks, same as discord working as intended T/C
  6. is your in game name the same as the forum name?
  7. Rollback complete, if anything is missing make a list below for a refund edit: Player confirmed getting everything back in game
  8. Item refunded to player in game, next time don't charge any items in capacitor banks because they are bugged T/C
  9. is this a refund request? if so "it isnt in the spawner" isn't a valid refund reason, someone might have just stolen it in which case it's your fault for not claiming your stuff. Only items lost due to bugs and server errors are eligible for a refund
  10. From what i see the 18 beamers are in your ME system
  11. items placed in player's inventory
  12. is your in game name the same as your forum name?
  13. There is no proof in your screenshots that mentioned players did any of this, however after my own investigation i discovered that snobyby was using cheats and therefore was punished accordingly.
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