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Voodoo last won the day on April 15 2018

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About Voodoo

  • Birthday 04/07/1993

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    SkyFactory, Tekkit, TPPI, Tekkit classic, Hexxit, Skyrim, Halo, fixing computers, fixing anything really, bug finding in games, testing games to their limits until they break.. such as that.
    Rick and Morty.


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  1. @D34DPlayer Has there been any progress on this? I still cannot log into the server.
  2. Hi, It's been over a month now, problem still persists. Has there been any progress on this? Thanks Voodoo
  3. Hi @D34DPlayer, There was nothing wrong with the inventory, it's the island itself that needs rolling back as per the request. The problem persists Kind regards Voodooshrimp123
  4. Your Name: Voodooshrimp123 Island Owner Name: Voodooshrimp123 Coordinates: (-25864, 9464, 82) Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 11am / GMT / 26/02/2021 Description of Issue: "Internal Exception io.netty.handler.codec.Decoder.Exception: Badly compressed packet - size of 2424239 is larger than protocol maximum of 2097152" Screenshots (Optional): Unable to log into the server to take screenshots
  5. Granted, but its a cable car. I wish my broadband speed was amazingly fast.

  7. I've noticed a few people struggling with this recently on our SF server, so i've decided to make a little guide here regarding the Storage Drawers mod. https://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/223852-storage-drawers In order to make the storage drawers mod secure from other players, you will need to craft a CoFH key which is made using signalum nuggets and a personal key. You can then lock your storage draws with this key, which should have an orange border around it's item, depending on your texture pack. And it will say the drawers are protected. in order to add people to your storage draws if you're playing with others, you will need to delve into the CoFH mod. you can type" /cofh friend gui " (all lowercase or it won't work) and it will bring up a user friendly interface for you to use, add players to this list and click save, this will allow those players to use your storage drawers. The top list of names are all the current online players, for ease of use, the bottom box is all your current CoFH trusted players. Coincidentally this is also how you go about using the "Restricted" tab on Thermal expansion Tesseracts. Rather than using Private, which will only allow the original placer of the block to use them, Restricted will allow anyone who is on your CoFH friends list to use the tesseract and Storage drawer. Private tesseracts are crafted like this, just as a last little bit. The Tesseracts textures are all identical, so make sure you've crafted the correct type of Tesseract. you won't get the private tab if you've got the regular version, and anyone can use your tesseract channels.
  8. Erm i blew up the island.......... don't be mad.........

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SoullessSushi


      Ok I’ll back a rollback request to 2 months ago

    3. Voodoo


      i would say 3 months just to be sure 

    4. SoullessSushi
  9. HAHAHAHAHA nice name!!!

  10. Since were going for songs we wish never happened..
  11. Hi

    love u hubby

    cant wait to play with you after class ?

    1. Voodoo


      Heyy cant wait to play with you either ??

      Hurry up!!

      Things are getting wierd on the music sharing thread

  12. I raise you.
  13. Good god
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