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llaya [LayaElisabeth]

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Everything posted by llaya [LayaElisabeth]

  1. Yes there is.. but it's a long road ahead.. 1) You gotta create a wither spawner/farm, make sure all the drops are picked up by automation. 2) you'll need a crafting machine that can learn recipe's and set it up for the dark lasso. 3) you'll need to find a way to collect and connect drops straight into the crafting machine (or a collection system and then on to the crafting machine). Do note, if at any point in this process you touch a drop of evil, it will despawn, so don't use any pipes, storage or machinery that requires you to manually put items into interactive slots.
  2. If you're not careful, using the Bibliocraft Typesetting table will cause an Unusable Print Press Plate to be created from the Print Press Chase. This is a small waste of resources, and there are no further crafting recipe's using this item. My suggestion is to be able to renew created print press plates if you put them into a crafting table. Recipe: INPUT; 1 crafted Print Press Plate OUTPUT; Print Press Chase
  3. They added a portal to the lost cities dim to the spawn build in the last world if you need loot. Otherwise, while lost cities easily take over the world and obliterate any normal terrain if not configured VERY carefully, a lot of players also just prefer the normal world with normal terrain so they can live their dreams on a clean slate.
  4. If you want to try some steps yourself (waiting for staff to get around) you can try out the free Unstuck package from buycraft. I'm not entirely sure if it works offline, or only online, but it can't hurt to try. https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141
  5. There's a feature (in the configs, or gamerule i believe) that allows people in flight, to stay in flight. Could this be enabled if available? (it might not even be a thing this early in mc, but it can't hurt to ask right?) Crashes (both server and client) are not that uncommon, and sometimes you're so busy you miss announced restarts, but if you're mid-air in flight when that happens, you will fall out of the sky when that happens. Flightmode also gets cancelled when changing dimensions, even if you just go between spawn and your island and that's annoying as you have to keep remembering to re-enable flight mode or die.
  6. So, i'm trying to do the Enderio Challenge (/is -> challenges -> second row, last slot); 1 alloy smelter, 1 sagmill an 1 painting machine are required for this. Now, i have all 3, but since i've placed them down, they aren't accepted anymore. Now, there's a feature where, if you put the machines in the crafting grid, it cleans/erases all memory/nbt tags from it, but for some reason that's still not "clean" enough and if only wants blocks straight from the crafting grid. Another issue is that while the sagmill and alloy smelter can be crafted with normal stuff, the painting machine practically requires you to first use the sagmill and alloy smelter for it's electrical steel. So, my question would be; could my machines be swapped out for clean ones please? Bonuspoints: Can someone tinker with the files to allow used or re-cleaned machines for the challenge? OR can the painting machine maybe be removed from that challenge alltogether? it's kind of a trivial machine anyways, meant for esthetics. TLDR: please swap my enderio machines with clean ones. New location of the machines that need swapped as i can't keep them on me: In the chest at x:-800 y:143 z: 3796
  7. I just checked, and it seems that, when comparing the list to last month, they left out 4 servers, among which Network. They might have just forgotten if you voted. Others left out are; Interactions, MCeternal and SkyFactory3. But for these i'm not sure if forgotten, or if just nobody voted.
  8. I donated for Premium+, but like for the Creative mode to be disabled. Thanks in advance.
  9. Your Name: llaya Item Name + Amount: 64 Yellorium Ingot (bought from the spawn shop) Description of Issue: I bought a stack of Yellorium ingots (the default fuel for BigReactors) to refuel the spawn power, but no power was created (after i already tried some coal). Now, there's a sign that says "anything but fuel will be deleted" but no specifications on What exactly is counted as fuel, and what means of generaters are available (aside from being able to see the reactor). BUT, the reactor is kinda filled with blue gunk (isn't that supposed to be ejected tho?) Screenshots (Optional): sorry Additional solution for the future; 1) Can the yellorium in the spawnshop be replaced by Refined Uranium (IC2, recipe by UniDict)as yellorium is actually not in the game anymore and in all ways overwritten by UniDict. 2) Can the reactor be checked out? i have never seen that blue gunk in a reactor before.
  10. everything's good, thank you edit; did you do a rollback on the specific death or did you pull back my inventory from a save? i seem to have some stuff i had already put away at my base. I mostly just care about my backpack and i'll toss the dupes, just curious tho.
  11. Your Name: llaya Coordinates: Twilight World/Dimension x:2522 y:10 z:1281 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): December 26, 2022 - 17:00 (5pm) CET and before. Description of Issue: Went afk for a bit but when i came back i died by myself ("llaya was killed by llaya") and there was no grave. the only thing i found again was my advanced dislocator. Screenshots (Optional):
  12. No clue actually. Guess that depends on how and where the claims are stored, and how the end gets wiped. Thought the whole dim gets joinked from the folder.
  13. But then that would have to be redone every end reset and just be more work, while disabling claims in the end alltogether is a 1time config thing as far as i remember.
  14. Seems the problem lies way beyond me, as NOBODY is able to perform any commands at all due to missing permissions. This includes but isn't limited to; any commands, the rtp + info signs at spawn and the vote crates don't accept keys. Votes and it's rewards do still work, as do the buycraft reward and unstuck packages and the market pillar. My guess is that the command perms, or command groups have accidentally been wiped or messed up leaving anyone without perms. Original post: Not a Buycraft issue, because i get the rank. It just got wiped for some reason?? Moreover, i can't even use the /mail command to take a screenshot of the buycraft confirmations and considering i recently use the mailing system with another player that had no rank, i don't know what happened here. Edit; I have NO perms at all. No /spawn, no /homes no /tpa. I literally can't 'do anything command related at all.
  15. There are 3, and are they really needed at all? There are currently 3 claims in the end. In it's own not a big deal, but since you can't damage mobs in claims, it's a bit nasty to end up in one to get pummeled. Is it possible to remove the claims? they don't seem to be holding anything at first glance but are rather inconvenient (other players already complained about them). While on this; is it possible to just remove claim ability in the end alltogether? I personally can't' think of any reason why you'd need a claim there. There's no reason to hog end cities, and those that aren't ready to fight one shouldn't be looking for them, if you're ready to fight the chaos guardian you should just do so (cause by the time you have your shovel out to claim him, you're dead). But worst case, someone actually uses a claim to grief the dragon/end portal by preventing people from placing respawn crystals, or by subclaiming the egg spot so people can't claim it or simply by claiming the pillars so those crystals can't be destroyed and the dragon keeps healing.
  16. Is it possible to disable recieving the actually additions manual every time you craft a recipe from the mod? There seems to be a recipe for the book so people who want it can easily obtain one, rather than being spammed with books.
  17. It's commonly known on the server that some EnderIO machines have these pausing issues.. For me personally it works to just dump what i need in there and let it run on it's own. Eventually it get's the job done with a bit of delay. Closed due to inactivity T/C
  18. The Binnie gene database is comparable to thaumcraft as it is a per-player progress which is likely kept in a file, rather than the machine, rollbacks can't fix this. This happened to me too, few days ago after the server was in a crashloop, something got reset which also wiped Binnie progress.. Unfortunately i haven't found a way to restore the genes myself and rollbacks won't help.
  19. eh, even tho it's broken, i'd still participate if we could do a round again.. It was just plain fun, even with the broken things ? i mean, who doesn't occasionally want to kill their fellow staff members? XD
  20. I absolutely loved that test run, even with the small issues, it still was a hell of a nice time ^^ I hope this will one day the project can be picked up again.
  21. i've experienced this too. Breaking it and rebuilding it from scratch doesn't work. The blocks simply don't seem to recognise each other. Even 2 tank blocks next to each other should connect (weblink has a picture), which they currently don't. https://ftbwiki.org/Wooden_Water_Tank Using a bucket of water on a single one depletes the bucket and puts 1000mb in the tank, but adding extra buckets doesn't have any effect, the number will stay on 1000mb. Using an empty bucket on the tank doesn't take water away. My old tank which was full still displays the old water level even After i break some tank blocks.. https://imgur.com/a/00MFNsT< Also, the openblocks sprinklers seem to have little to no effect on Agriculture or pam's.. Can't seem to find any documentation about it online either. Watering cans however DO work, but is a tedious and timeconsuming job.
  22. Might be WE abuse. Maybe Henk or Bruny can check the logs for actions at those coords from the images.
  23. That's nice to hear.. As far as i know Craftersland Spawns are setup to not have mobs spawn within the protected area so i don't think public spawners will be build or even work. I think Spawn eggs are more likely to happen.
  24. SF2.5 and IE have Crimson Knight and Crimson Cleric Spawn eggs. From there you can use a safari net or soul vial to make your own spawners from them. Having these spawn eggs on Rev would indeed be very useful. If there are other hard to get items you need for progression you can always post them in the Suggestions section.
  25. Problem confirmed. Cables seem to not want to update/connect as they should.
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