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StarFaded (ShadowEvolve)

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Everything posted by StarFaded (ShadowEvolve)

  1. I've added another section to the guide, where it tells you how to leave an clan. PS: Sorry for not adding it to the guide after all this time
  2. Added new links to my about me tab on my profile & busy with creation of a modpack

  3. Clan Creation: To make a clan, you type /clan create <clantag> <nameofclan> and clan tag can be color coded as in the example below Example - /clan create &bTest Test101 Leaving an Clan: To leave an clan that you're in, just you type /clan resign Inviting Players: To invite players to your clan, you type /clan invite <playername> when the player that you have invited accepts the invite to your clan, he or she will be added to your clan and will be set as untrusted rank in the clan also. When you get invited to a clan you have two options, which are to accept it by doing /accept or deny it by doing /deny. Example - /clan invite StarFaded Clan Alliances: Any clan leader can send an request to start an alliance with other clan, but in order to make a alliance you must have at least 3 players in your clan before. Any clan leader of any clan in the alliances can leave the alliance. To make a alliance, you type /clan ally add <clantag> and to leave a alliance, you type /clan ally remove. Note: No one in either clan has to accept the removal of an alliance Example - /clan ally add Test Clan Rivalries: Clan Rivalries can be started by any clan at any time, no request is needed to add rivalries. To add a rivalries, you type /clan rival add <clantag> and to remove a rival, you type /clan rival remove <clantag>. You can view a list of all clans and their allies by typing /clan alliances and same for their rivals, just replace the alliances part in the command and put rivalries. Note: When removing a rival, the leader of the rival must accept the rival removal request in order for that clan to get removed as rival. Example - /clan rival add Test Clan Chat: Clan chat is just a chat that only your clan members can see. To use clan chat, you type /. <message>. Note: Make sure you put a space after the period when typing the message. Example - /. Hi There Clan Home-Bases: Clans can set home-bases for their by typing /clan home set and any member of the clan can type /clan home, which will teleport to the location that you have set as clan home. Leaders of the clan can type /clan home regroup, which will teleport all clan members to the clan home. Note: When using /clan home regroup, please notify your clan members that are online that you're going to use that command. And as for Clan Home-Bases, I suggest if you have a laggy island on the server, then please don't set that as your clan home. To teleport to another clan home-base, you type /clan home tp <clantag> Example - /clan home tp Test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: I didn't explain everything about clans, just the basic stuff that you might need to know. To learn more info about clans, there's a link below that I put which will take you to the dev page of the clan plugin. Learn more about clans - http://tinyurl.com/hxqqpab
  4. Skynet will rule all! PS: Nice program
  5. Yea it is, specially when you want to save your builds and share them to other people on the internet. But it does has it pros and cons like another other mod.
  6. Great Tutorial Nice Day, ShadowEvolve
  7. It's fine, you don't have to make one. Good Day, ShadowEvolve
  8. Great Tutorial. Just one suggestion, make a video for both cause there are people that like to watch a video than reading it but it up to you if you want too or not. Good Day, ShadowEvolve
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