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About Geeksu

  • Birthday 07/25/2006

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    my discord is Geeky#0169

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location:
    Down in hell
  • Interests
    Finding ways to die :)

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Geeksu's Achievements

Stone Miner

Stone Miner (6/26)



  1. happy birthday :)


    1. Kattegat


      Late thank you ^^ 


  2. That would be amazing, i personally think that this is a really good Suggestion
  3. Geeksu

    Claimed areas!!!

    Really Really good idea thankyou lmao
  4. @Akademee its not xD make a post under the server with the right template wich is here and the correct section so you dont put a reactivation under network if its a other server ik i aint no helper but i hope its okay i say this? xD or help him? lmao
  5. Holy shit dude this is amazing! everything is just like WOW amazing job dude!!!
  6. ive had some problems with my names In game name:_Fellx_ or GeekyNRG Proof of Purchase:[Screenshots explains it i think] Description of Issue: i only have my prefix in certain gamemodes and Rank Time/Date of Purchase (day/month/year): 23 august 2019} prefix) Sponsor idk when i bought it but its a while ago and the Inventor prefix was bought 19th of august 2019 Items/Rank Bought: Fancy animated Prefix, Sponsor Rank, Custom black Prefix with the name [Inventor] Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information: i dont have my rank or prefixes on slme servers so i am asking for a simple reactivation of all prefixe`s and Rank
  7. I can also confirm that FatihCelike61 is griefing and tpa killing and tpa spamming and using /back he even uses trident to kill us since we have pvp prots
  8. its a really good suggestion but i feel like there is always a helper online but yeah as i said good suggestion
  9. hahah thankyou so much loce the picture xD i dont have accses to /enchant well i do but not accses to the different enchants it says Error: You do not have the permission for damage_all. and that happenes to all of them
  10. Account Name:GeekyNRG Rank:Sponsor Requested Commands: (FlySpeed/walkspeed)[PURE ,SKYBLOCK, Hiipo] [World Edit] [Pure and Skyblock and Hiipo] and then /enchant on [PURE SURVIVAL] [SKYBLOCK] Reason for Request: i just wanna make things go faster and enjoy playing with building faster and making it more simple to play with more cool stuff to do and edit with
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