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Everything posted by gerry_lmao

  1. Hello, First of all, this forum section is only for our network (vanilla) servers. And no, it’s not going to work over there. It’ll only work on SkyFactory 4 considering it was transferred.
  2. Topic Moved to Stone Block 2 Technical Support. A staff member of this server will get in touch with you to solve this.
  3. As you requested in-game directly to me, I transferred the money from espejoperplejo2 to your new account, espejoperplejo. A higher staff member will take care of transferring your items to your new account. UPDATE: I managed to get your enderchest's items, you'll need to wait for a manager to give you the remaining items of your inventory.
  4. It looks stunning, good job guys!
  5. Hello, In case this hasn't been reported already, I got a clue and it was on Spanish, I tried to change it, but you can't change it back to English. I confirmed this with other players. This used to work but somehow it isn't working anymore. https://imgur.com/a/wFuCex9
  6. I believe that removing these 2 commands would bring great benefits to the server. I agree with you, these permissions do nothing but bring problems. This is where all illegal items come from. I think that if someone wants to play around with W.E or GMC, they should to that in Creative, there's a reason why this minigame exists. Whenever there's a wipe, I start from scratch because it makes zero sense taking all of the items from GMC, there isn't any effort put in there and the whole idea of "Pure Survival" is ruined. I hope that a positive verdict comes out soon.
  7. Topic Moved to Network Technical Support.
  8. Topic Moved to Network Technical Support.
  9. Welcome! ?
  10. Topic Moved to Infinity Evolved Technical Support. Please edit your post and use the template.
  11. Merry Christmas! ?
  12. Topic Moved to Infinity Evolved Server Problems.
  13. Topic Moved to Infinity Evolved Technical Support.
  14. Hi, what server is this for?
  15. Happy Birthday Ruisuu! Have a great day and enjoy it! ?

    1. RuisuMC


      Thank you, i appreciate it :D

    2. 0_PaRaDoX_0
  16. Happy birthday! ? hope you have a great day ?

  17. Granted, but you can’t play because your computer gets broken I wish I could see the thoughts of everyone
  18. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day ?

  19. Granted but in a week you got blind and you will never see again I wish I could see and change the future
  20. Happy B-Day Zawita! 

  21. Feliz cumpleaños Marce! Disfruta tus 150 años xd, que te la pases bien! ;)

    1. MarceLOL


      gracias :v me voy a aburrir muchisimo  toda esta semana

  22. In Mexico is still your birthday sooo, happy birthday! Hope u had a really great day :)

    1. FireKun


      Haha. Thanks mate! :-)

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