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ZengZ last won the day on January 23 2022

ZengZ had the most liked content!

About ZengZ

  • Birthday 08/02/2001

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    I used to be staff. Now I'm banned.

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  1. No fucking way your back?


  2. Hi, I would like the retired staff rank that's all
  3. Which gamemode are you talking about?
  4. It's in the right section.
  5. I wish it was me. Sadly I did not. By the way, why I'm your suspect? Do you have hard evidence I was the one who destroyed your things? Let me save you some trouble. I didn't. We will check world edit logs and try finding something out.
  6. Which server are you playing? You posted in the wrong section. This information will help a staff to move the post.
  7. I'm sure this has nothing to do with network. In which server are you requesting this rollback? Just to move the post to the correct section.
  8. I've been playing in network for almost three years and that has never pop out in the chat. I assume that's only a modded issue. Post moved to Revelation suggestion section.
  9. Which gamemode you're requesting the password reset? I'm pretty sure you're not a network player.
  10. ZengZ


    Please edit the post using the following template.
  11. I have buy three ranks in the server.. my question was if I can get back the money I have spent here?
  12. Could a moderator move the post to trash?
  13. Was the skin issue solved? Sorry for the delay on the replay
  14. Finally! We had waited long time for this HUGE step on network. Thank you bruny to take such effort making this possible. I'll see you all around!
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