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RandomNukes last won the day on April 10 2019

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  1. Hi Brunyman, I noticed there's no link for a map download. is it possible to get one? Thanks in advance!
  2. This is actually a modpack issue, rather than a server one. This also happens in singleplayer. unless anyone knows how to fix this within the pack itself, there's not much that can be done i'm afraid ?
  3. That's not a fault on your end, it seems that someone forgot to remove your rank during your absence. it should be put back to the default rank not too long from now
  4. Ahh yes, pinging people off their bridges until they started yelling in chat
  5. yeah that must've been over 3 years ago... i remember quitting CL for a while before coming back. glad to see you still being in that (t)rusty GM position
  6. Been on this network for what now? over 2 years? might be a little overdue to do one of these. Name: Roel IGN: RandomNukes Crafter's Land Servers you play: I tend to lurk in the shadows of SF2.5, Tekkit and Revelation. Don't really play anymore due to a lack of time, but this may change in the near future Location: Limburg, The Netherlands A short description of yourself: I'm an Avionics engineer (category B2) I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my professional carreer (and everything i deem in need of professional behaviour, such as staffing). But that doesn't mean I'm never pleased with the work done, as long as things go as they were intended to go, it is satisfactory. mind you, satisfactory does not mean perfect, i can always find ways to improve efficiency or the method. Just because i give criticism on your work doesn't mean i don't like you, I just give you points to improve upon and feel free to do the same. I used to staff on Tekkit, DW20 1.7 and Revelation from May 2017 to around June 2018. People who played on the network during that time may recognize my name and/or methods (oh dear). The staffing and the network never fully left me, but i have noticed a change in practically everything involved with Craftersland. Both for the better and for the worst, so take that as you will. Hobbies and interests: Aviation (seems a little obvious), Engineering, Cars (and anything vehicle related for that matter), Gaming, listening to music, Hiking, History, Politics and annoying henk :^) Discord: RandomNukes#3767
  7. correction: you use /town create to claim the chunk you're standing on and /town claim to increase the private area to adjecent chunks. You can press F9 to see chunk borders @GMzadrot
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