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Random Thoughts


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Question of the day: Would you rather have broadcasting and receiving telepathy that you can't turn off (all can hear your thoughts, and vice versa), or would you prefer super speed, but not super endurance (get tired by running or moving the same distance, but you move faster, that's all)?

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6 hours ago, Jimmel said:

Oh look, it's the 2013 squad. 

Sup boys


2 minutes ago, quagma said:

Question of the day: Would you rather have broadcasting and receiving telepathy that you can't turn off (all can hear your thoughts, and vice versa), or would you prefer super speed, but not super endurance (get tired by running or moving the same distance, but you move faster, that's all)?

First option because you can work on controlling your (random) thoughts.

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42 minutes ago, quagma said:

Question of the day: Would you rather have broadcasting and receiving telepathy that you can't turn off (all can hear your thoughts, and vice versa), or would you prefer super speed, but not super endurance (get tired by running or moving the same distance, but you move faster, that's all)?

The latter, you never know what happens. I'll take some privacy over potential awkwardness or worse any day of the week. Plus the second one's super practical.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know what I like? People not multiposting, and editing their original post if they want to add something, and not trying to increase their post count. 

You know what else is random, and belongs here? The fact that there were far more dinosaurs than we expected. Trilobites are a good example. The chances of something being fossilized are incredibly low. The chances that we will find one is also incredibly low. Trilobites are some of the most common fossils to find, and generally cost around 3-8-15 dollars. In the fossil economy, this is an incredibly low price. This can only be done, due to their abundance. This means, if we recognize that fossil forming is very rare, that there were not millions, there were likely billions, perhaps trillions, of these things over millions of years. Extrapolating this data towards dinosaurs, it is very likely that there were far more than expected. If you ever time travel, perhaps avoid anything before 64 million years ago. You don't want to be overcrowded by all those dinosaurs.

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  • akaElite unpinned this topic
  • 9 months later...

Came to pay my respects.

Random thought: 
Best thing about University? You can skip lectures. 
Worst thing about University? You can skip lectures.

Also, you pay £9250 per year, at around £35 per lecture, and teachers don't even come to lectures when you do attend them. What kind of crap is that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

From time to time, the ghosts gather 'round here and reminisce for a while. They would tell stories, stories so great that they still spark thoughts of joy in their heart; but who is there to hear them? And who even remembers them? They are gone. And as the ghosts start vanishing again, all there's left behind is the fresh scent of daffodils in spring and a cold breeze carrying on the memories of a distant, simpler, happy past.

"Hope you are all healthy and well, especially in these times. May nothing ill befall you and your loved ones, stay strong, keep fighting and cherish your life."
    - Random blessing from a random Stranger

Thank you Gheara (it would take too long to say more; I'm a sloth), Emily (I still can't pronounce steak sometimes), Sam (you crazy dude), Powerwarp (I've put that Minecraft gift to good use) and others whose names I sadly forgot. And thank you brunyman for this server. Still waiting for the Faction Wars 2.0, Zarconis vs ~forgot the second faction, but probably misspelled the first so yeah~.

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  • Jimmel pinned this topic
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