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Everything posted by CARAJOCOMER

  1. Good one
  2. That erebor replica is art, amazing.
  3. 835 KDR on ac, 835 kills 1 deaths.

  4. 834 KDR on ac, 834 kills 0 deaths.

  5. I'm going to add some pictures tomorrow. I had some problems uploading them.
  6. Well, this is something players ask a LOT, so, let's get started. HIIPO PLOT SURVIVAL: PURE SURVIVAL: SPACE FACTIONS:
  7. playing thaumcraft 5

  8. Playing thaumcraft

  9. Nice tutorial, very detailed. Good job.
  10. How asom thaumcraft is

  11. Nice if its in a server, but if you want to copy a base of your survival to another world or something like that McEdit is better, easier. Nice tutorial .
  12. I wont make a video, because if i make one, itll be in spanish, because my english is horrible. And a half of the forum users dont understand spanish, so it would be useless.
  13. Hello. In this tutorial im going to show you how to install the non-premium and the premium Technic Launcher, for downloading and installing the Tekkit modpack. Premium: 1) Download the Technic Launcher in this link: http://www.technicpack.net/download. Select the version compatible with your OS. 2) Installation: A) When the download finishes, open it. B) Select the verion of the launcher. I recommend the standart one, wich i would install. C) It will start the download. It may take a few minutes. D) Login to the launcher with your premium account. E) Click on "modpacks" section, and selesct Tekkit. Hit install "Play" one. Hit it. It will start automatically. Recommendation: Use more memory for the modpack, you can change this in the Launcher Options/Java Settings There you can change the memory usage. With 1GB it opens, but 1.5GB is better. If the highest value is 1GB, its because you have a 32-BIT computer. Non-Premium: 1) Download the launcher in this link: https://www.hackphoenix.com/technic-launcher/ then open the downloaded file. 2) Select the version. Portable or Standart. 3) It will start the download. It may take some minutes. 4) It will ask you for your username. Enter it and hit Login. 5) Click in the "modpacks" section and select tekkit and hit install. 6) when the download finishes, you hit "Play". Recommendations: Same that in premium, use more ram for the modpack. This can be edited in the Launcher Options, and then Java Settings. Use 1.5GB or more for a good performance.If you cant with 1GB is allright. Thanks for reading! Hope this can be useful to you.
  14. Install the MrTJP core for project red. it isnnt included in the multimc with direwolf20 installed.
  15. Tekkit is the BEST!

  16. great update
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