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Adriiibr last won the day on March 22 2018

Adriiibr had the most liked content!

About Adriiibr

  • Birthday 07/08/2017

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    my grandpa uses it, discord ftw

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    : Catalunya

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20,796 profile views

Adriiibr's Achievements

  1. Visca Catalunya lliure! 

  2. Granted, but you have prostate cancer. I wish whoever answers this, will get a tree growing from his/her forehead and every time he cuts it it grows twice as fast.
  3. Ganted, but you'll be sweating all day in the winter. I wish I was happy no matter what.
  4. granted, but every wish you grant, it takes 10 years of your life. i wish i would never get bored of songs i like and could listen to the same song for hours and still enjoy it as if it was the first time.
  5. Te conozco desde hace mucho, he perdido mi rango (he mirado las tres cuentas donde jugaba) y era premium, joder que putada, ojala recuperar el rango y los objetos

    1. Adriiibr


      Haz un post y pide que te lo devuelvan

  6. Alright no problem, I asked for it as I saw someone who has it, maybe it was from a while ago
  7. Account Name: Adriiibr Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands: /thru /flyspeed /speed (For AssassinS Craft) Reason for Request: Basically to go faster to parkours. And /thru, because there are some cooperative parkours that I can not complete as maybe there's no one up for it.
  8. Adriiibr

    Music I like

    Here goes another one
  9. Adriiibr

    Music I like

    So I create this topic to share music i enjoy listening to. You can also share your music if you'd like to.
  10. This is just amazing guys!
  11. Good old times hahaha that's mine lol, i wasnt even staff at that time
  12. Hi @Henk, my name is Adriiibr with 3 i, thanks
  13. Hi, id like to have my sponsor on assassins, thanks.
  14. Hi can you make a quick topic about rank transfer?

    I'll look into it tomorrow

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