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About Always_Ein

  • Birthday 05/23/2003

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  1. Please make the title of your post [Buycraft Issue]*name* In game name: Always_Ein Proof of Purchase: https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/47542-transfer-always_ein/?_fromLogin=1 Description of Issue: I made my post on the 27th, and have still yet to receive my rank or anything on the post
  2. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your inventory rollback request topic. For your topic name, use [Inventory Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Always_Ein Coordinates:1562, 85, -2451 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 8:10AM CST 11/19/2020|November 19th, 2020 Description of Issue: after coming back to pixelmon after a month or two of being away, I used my super rod to go fishing and apparently I had the /clear command power tooled to it Screenshots (Optional):
  3. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your inventory rollback request topic.For your topic name, use [Inventory Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Always_EinCoordinates: -62 64 -2542Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 12:30 PM CDTDescription of Issue: so i was trying to get rid of a powertool command and ended up accidentally doing /clear, clearing my inventory.Screenshots (Optional):
  4. Lol why is everyone taking this so seriously, I get it’s something new but no matter what it is the community to join it will have fun, and that is what we should strive for.
  5. Hi please use Tis template and remake your complaint, if you don’t properly make it staff can’t help you. Title: [Complaint] (Player Name) In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about)Your username (Optional):Time and Date: Description of what happened: (In chronological order) Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below) If your complaint has been found void, do not make another one!
  6. so you tried to put fortnite in Minecraft, good idea on paper, but in actuality, to me atleast, it takes away what some people consider Minecraft, a way back to when life simpler, didn't have to worry about the world around us, to me fortnite just reminds me of modern day, while MC reminds me of all the good memories I had when I was younger. This is just my own personal opinion, I don't mean anything by it, just the way im thinking.
  7. See foxy this is why I like you, you help others and Ben go as far as making a partial guide to atomic science, people like you show that you don’t need to be staff in order to help people, all we gotta do is do the best we can do for others and hope we help make a difference, even helping staff with problems they have. And I’m also glad to have helped you with those problems with those block errors with the fusion reactor ?
  8. Think I can get a copy of the world, for if I want to use this map in single player?
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