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Andrew2070 last won the day on August 24 2016

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About Andrew2070

  • Birthday 02/07/2000

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    Tekkit, Craftersland
  • Interests
    Amuse me.

    3+ Year Fam:
    Jim, Joss533, Simsonas86, Powerwarp, CwgRaven, HaosS07, Jack, SirMajestick, DanielKinz, Ghost_Life, McMod5000, Marko.

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  1. My ideas: IC2 Ore Development kit: Macerator, Ore washer, Electric Furnace, 18 glass-fiber cables. IC2 Machine Development kit: Forge Hammer, Cutters, item cases, advanced circuit, machine block, basic circuit, etc. These are fairly basic setups, that can save time and energy early-game.
  2. Granted, but now you've lost all freedom of choice, I wish for a wish without consequence and only benefits.
  3. Granted, But You Couldn't Play Multiplayer. I wish for a new iPhone X.
  4. Hell Is What You Make It.

  5. So special that you are the only person to get banned by me in weeks
  6. Need Help? PM me at anytime, will be sure to get back to you ASAP.

  7. Overview: In the upcoming Post Blast server, missiles both nuclear and conventional are legal. Thus i took a long time experimenting with ComputerCraft to safeguard everyone! In the process i invented code to intercept incoming missiles about to destroy you. Now that i have made it 99% Working, i am here today to release it to the world! It features a peripheral/wireless/rednet based algorithim using a radar block. It works just like any server-client program, through a peripheral connection. 1. Missile Detected by Powered Radar Source Block. 2. Radar Block outputs coordinates/redstone signal to a server computer. 3. Server Computer generates coordinates for interception of the missile. 4. Server Computer messages all active Anti-Ballistic Missile silo clients. 5. Anti-Ballistic Missile clients then launch chronologically at each missile. 6. Until all incoming threats are destroyed, it will keep firing the client/silos. Radar => Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Server => Client PC => ABM silo => Intercept *Basically just shoots down incoming missiles with a Anti-Ballistic Missile* ABM Server: --[[Skynet Nuclear ABM Defense Program by Andrew2060]]-- --[ABM Server, use with http://pastebin.com/aNsduCem]]-- --[System requires atleast 5 CC's with Modems and ABMs]]-- --[System has 5% chance of failure in killing missiles]]-- --[[Settings]]-- local waitDelay = 2 local countersPerMissile = 1 local missileDelay = 3 --[[Initialization]]-- local silos, curSilo = {}, 1 peripheral.find("modem", rednet.open) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.blue) local function red() term.setBackgroundColor(colors.red) print(" ") term.setBackgroundColor(colors.blue) end rednet.broadcast("ABM1") repeat local id, msg = rednet.receive(waitDelay) if msg == "ABM" then table.insert(silos, id) end until not id --[[Main Programs]]-- while true do if not redstone.getInput("back") then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) red() print(" SKYNET DEFENSE SYSTEMS ACTIVATED ") red() print(" ANTI-BALLISTIC MISSILE SHIELD ONLINE ") red() red() print(" [STANDBY ABM Silos] ") for k, v in ipairs(silos) do print(" silo #" .. k .. " id = "..v) end red() repeat os.pullEvent("redstone") until redstone.getInput("back") end term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) term.setTextColor(colors.red) print("Incoming Missiles:") print("Firing CounterMeasures\n") maptab = peripheral.call("back","getEntities") maptxt = textutils.serialize(maptab) if maptxt ~= "{}" then allDat = 0 for num in pairs(maptab) do allDat = allDat+1 end targets = allDat/3 for i=0,targets-1 do local msg = {["x"] = math.floor(maptab["x_"..i]), ["y"] = math.floor(maptab["y_"..i]), ["z"] = math.floor(maptab["z_"..i])} print("Incoming Missile Threat #" .. i .. " at X:" .. msg.x .. " Y:" .. msg.y .. " Z:" .. msg.z) print("Launching " .. countersPerMissile .. " ABM Missile CounterMeasures...\n") for i = 1, countersPerMissile do rednet.send(silos[curSilo], msg) curSilo = (curSilo == #silos) and 1 or (curSilo + 1) sleep(missileDelay) end sleep(0) end sleep(0) end sleep(2) end sleep(1) ABM Client: --Silo Launch PC, [working] [By Andrew2060] --[[Settings]]-- local icbmSide = "back" local armed = true --set armed to false to disarm silo. --[[Init]]-- local icbm = peripheral.wrap(icbmSide) local masterID peripheral.find("modem", rednet.open) --[[Functions]]-- local function clear() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) end --[[Main program]]-- clear() while true do print("Waiting for Threat Message") id, msg, distance = rednet.receive(masterID) if (msg == "ABM1") then print(" master=", id) masterID = id; rednet.send(masterID, "ABM") elseif type(msg) == "table" and id == masterID then if type(msg.x) == "number" and type(msg.y) == "number" and type(msg.z) == "number" then print(" launching CounterMeasures At x=" .. msg.x .. ", y=" .. msg.y .. ", z=" .. msg.z) icbm.setTarget(msg.x, msg.y, msg.z) if (armed) then peripheral.call("back","launch") end else print(" invalid table command") end else print(" invalid msg '", msg, "' from '", id, "', distance=", distance) end end This code is meant to be used with mekanism/DefenseTech Mods. Such as found in my ModPack: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/nuclear-revolution.689897 It is meant for peaceful purposes only, and only for base defense. ~Hope this helps!
  8. Spartan's never die, they're just missing in action"

  9. Spartans never die, they're just missing in action.

  10. Spartans never die, they're just missing in action.

  11. Is it possible to, add Tekkit to MultiMc. I can't seem to get all my shit into one place, i have a folder with 4 launchers already... If anyone knows how to please do tell.
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