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CraftersLand Launcher Released! [v1.6.0] Fine-Tune your experience to the max!


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That depends on you :). The modpacks in this launcher have been tweaked so that you won't experience a lot of technical issues related to custom recipies etc. E.g On our infinity server, there are a lot of custom recipes to counter banned items (due to dupe bugs). In order to see these custom recipes, the player has to install the scripts in his client too unfortunately .This is where the CL launcher shines and already does this for you. 


It may not look that aesthetically pleasing than the twitch launcher but this is something I will work on when I learn enough java coding :).

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On 6/27/2018 at 11:04 PM, MusicNerdDavid said:

but is it worth getting rid of the twitch launcher?

In all honesty. The modpacks seem to be running smoother and faster for me since i switched over. The mods you can add are very helpful a couple help with FPS issues which is awesome for lower end pc's. Also as staff having that console at all times makes my job also makes troubleshoot easier as well. Its all up to you but I think its worth the switch. The only complaint I have and its minor is the fact you have to log in everytime. The launcher saves your password but is annoyance for me

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Hi, I'm using Java 8 Update 171, and I get this error when trying to launch the DW20 1.12 pack:


To report this error, please provide:

javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
	at sun.security.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.fatal(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.serverCertificate(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.processMessage(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.processLoop(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.process_record(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.performInitialHandshake(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(Unknown Source)
	at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.afterConnect(Unknown Source)
	at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
	at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
	at com.skcraft.launcher.util.HttpRequest.execute(HttpRequest.java:130)
	at com.skcraft.launcher.update.BaseUpdater.installAssets(BaseUpdater.java:168)
	at com.skcraft.launcher.update.Updater.update(Updater.java:174)
	at com.skcraft.launcher.update.Updater.call(Updater.java:95)
	at com.skcraft.launcher.update.Updater.call(Updater.java:38)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
	at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.doBuild(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.engineValidate(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.validator.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.validate(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkTrusted(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkServerTrusted(Unknown Source)
	... 20 more
Caused by: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
	at sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
	at sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild(Unknown Source)
	at java.security.cert.CertPathBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
	... 26 more


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had to reinstall Java when I first downloaded the launcher, made sure I used Java8 so thats fixed. I'll reinstall the launcher and modpacks again, for the third time, to try. I'll let you know, might be interesting as well that I'm on a mac.



I reinstalled the launcher and modpacks, getting the same errors..

SF2.5: https://pastebin.com/UBW87AdY

SF3: https://pastebin.com/w3NX6zf9

Edited by cschriemer
Added information, edit to not double post
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I believe this launcher looks good but it isn't working (at least for me). After installing it, I downloaded the SF3 modpack and everything was working normally, until I hit the Launch button. Immediately after doing that, the blue screen of death just popped up in my computer screen and I had to reboot it. It could have been a random crash, so I didn't think much of it and attempted to launch the modpack through the launcher once again. The same thing occured for a second time. It really frustrated me, because everything else worked fine and I thought I wouldn't have any problems. Is there anyone who could perhaps help me out with this problem?

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