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BasGroen last won the day on November 5 2018

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About BasGroen

  • Birthday 06/28/2002

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  • Interests
    Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics

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Iron Miner

Iron Miner (9/26)



  1. Happy Birthday man 😛 Have a lovely day 

  2. Hello everyone, I happend to drop by on the game mode I once loved so much, (Assassins Creed). I was delighted to see it's been updated to 1.16.5, Only to noticed that nothing has changed with the update. New items like Netherite gear haven't been added in. same goes for all the other exciting new features. I think Netherite armour and weapons are a great addition to the game. It can also be made very expensive since it's pretty overpowered to have even rich people strive for something. Best of all. It's quite simple to be added in the game. Only the shop needs a small change and voila. Maybe this exciting change with little effort can bring players back to enjoy this great game mode. Kind regards, -Bas
  3. Hai, you can ask for an password reset right here: https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/222-password-reset/ And use this Template: In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your Password Reset topic. For your topic name, use [Rank In-game]*Name* In-game Name: Rank: Server: Proof of Ownership (Optional): There ya go
  4. Account Name: BasGroen Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands: Telelport timer and cooldown bypass /Speed /thru Reason for Request: All to save time, It's a pain to wait for telelport times to go off. It's a pain to fly slowly to other cities. It's a pain to compleet some parkours which you can do only by yourself when no one but you is online. Perm Notes: essentials.teleport.time.bypass essentials.telelport.cooldown.bypass essentials.speed worldedit.navigation.thru.command Thank you for your time! PS: this is only for assassins creed!
  5. So as many of us know, /fly has been removed from sponsors in Assassins Creed. Sponsors ingame complain about this and i think they have the right too because it means a few things. 1. /enchant is also removed meaning that the 2 best commands are gone. which makes the rank on ac rather useless. 2. many of our players actually bought the sponsor rank for the fly and enchant. which means they wasted their money. 3. Sponsors got used to the command, cant take it away now. Let me know what you guys think, if it should stay or its to OP. Also tell me about other commands which can be used instead of fly. -Bas
  6. Stunning!
  7. Thank you for telling us about it! Warms my heart
  8. Tried this ingame and I had the exact same problem. Thanks for reporting this bug
  9. Happy birthday!

    1. BasGroen


      Thanks man!!

  10. Happy birthday man! 

  11. Granted, but now you can't eat anything and really miss the taste of your favourite food. I wish i am a genius
  12. Granted, but you will spend every last penny you have on food. I wish I had superpowers
  13. Granted, but nobody will never know who you are now I want a fantastic gaming computer which will never break.
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