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Skilande_ last won the day on March 30 2017

Skilande_ had the most liked content!

About Skilande_

  • Birthday 10/02/2000

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location:
    : Romania, Oradea
  • Interests
    History, biology, chemistry, games.

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40,318 profile views

Skilande_'s Achievements

Lapis Lazuli Collector

Lapis Lazuli Collector (13/26)



  1. Happy Birthday, have a great day bro  

    1. Voodoo


      hmm, should have saved the file name as something other than a button bash. >.>

      Happy birthday anyway man


    2. Skilande_


      Thanks, mate!

  2. Happy Birthday Skilande :D 

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